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Israel’s slight change of tactics is a double-edged sword

Israel’s slight change of tactics is a double-edged sword

Israel’s decision to recalibrate its strategy to deal with Iran-backed Hezbollah in Lebanon carries the seeds of both hope and further carnage.

  • The Herald's View


Rethink needed over confusing medical language which can lead to error

Rethink needed over confusing medical language which can lead to error

Researchers and academics are showing common sense in opposing the alteration of medical language to accommodate transgender and gender-diverse people.

  • The Herald's View
Cabinet papers on Iraq War decision MIA

Cabinet papers on Iraq War decision MIA

Almost 21 years after the Howard government decided to go to war in Iraq, the cabinet documents regarding the decision should be in the public domain.

  • The Herald's View
The new year can bring hope and promise
New Year

The new year can bring hope and promise

Sydney’s New Year offering to the world is that there is a happy land.

  • The Herald's View
The centre of political power in Australia is drifting south

The centre of political power in Australia is drifting south

New migrants are now poised to play a pivotal role in shaping politics in our two biggest capital cities as population shifts changes the game.

  • The Herald's View
Surge in tree vandalism shows penalties are not severe enough

Surge in tree vandalism shows penalties are not severe enough

Sydney’s holy grail of real estate, the des res with a view, appears to be driving unprecedented destruction of trees around the city but especially in the leafier suburbs.

  • The Herald's View
We’re richer than ever but living beyond our means

We’re richer than ever but living beyond our means

Australia has all the signs of unlimited prosperity. Near full employment, high resource prices, a demand for housing that we cannot meet, and we’re richer than ever. But amid all this affluence dark clouds hover over the future: we are living beyond our means.

  • The Herald's View
Singing and dancing TikTok turns into Big Brother

Singing and dancing TikTok turns into Big Brother

The Information Commissioner may launch an investigation into TikTok after the Chinese-owned social media giant was found to be harvesting users’ information.

  • The Herald's View
NSW Police must no longer stonewall on gay hate investigations

NSW Police must no longer stonewall on gay hate investigations

NSW Police can no longer escape the past in its dealings with the LGBTQI community.

  • The Herald's View
Banks short-change loyal savings account customers

Banks short-change loyal savings account customers

The cost of living is a defining issue for most Australians, and while interest rates drive much of their fear, the major banks’ feckless persistence in dubious practices means they are milking customers.

  • The Herald's View
Rebooting Asia as front and centre of Australia’s foreign policy

Rebooting Asia as front and centre of Australia’s foreign policy

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese’s reminder to Australians that their safety and economic prosperity will be secured by deepening ties with Asian neighbours has a sense of déjà vu.

  • The Herald's View