
About Louder Than War - John Robb - David Gleave©
John Robb – pic David Gleave©

Visit our Contact page if you want to get in touch about anything Louder Than War related.

In 2010 we decided that there was a space for a new type of website that didn’t follow the preconceived rules of music.

We were bored of genres and the conventional history of music; we liked so much music and we wanted to communicate it.

We didn’t realise how many people agreed with us and the site has become one of the fastest growing, award winning music websites in the UK.

About Louder Than War – Our Manifesto:

  1. Fast forward to the future

    We are always looking for the new noise, the next buzz, we have no borders, no boundaries – all the musical skree of the 21st century is ours to celebrate.

  2. Old, new, borrowed and blue

    The future does not mean a fear of the past – we have a wonderful archive of classic features which we will exhibit; movers and shakers from any period always burn brightly.

  3. The world is ours

    No corner of the planet is beyond bounds. Norwegian death metal, Brazilian freak punk, Baille funk, Mexican quiff bop, English punk, electronic pop, Angolan Kuduro music, north African hip hop, the foulest bedsit dubstep, Manchester lad bands, Turkish gypsy music, Goa Trance, Japanese freak noise, African rhythms, Karnatik folk, Greek Mohawked anarchists and Indian metal hardcore – it’s all in here and more; we celebrate the classic Anglo American axis but we are not constrained by it. We are open to suggestions. We are open.

  4. Do you believe in the power of rock n roll?

    We still believe in the power of music and we still believe in the counter culture.

  5. New blood for young skulls

    We actively seek new talent to complement the old. Great writers from the past rub shoulders with youthful first-timers. We are open people.

  6. I am the resurrection

    We have no truck with the loose talk of pop culture being over. It’s not even started yet. These are fractured times and we are in the wild west of technology. There is an information overload and we are loving it.

  7. Keep on moving

    We travel a lot and we have writers from all over the world. We love the idea that technology can disseminate information about raw, very human music. The primitive is everywhere- the music business is over. We are the Jack Kerouac and Neal Cassady’s of the 21st Century – the internet is our highway.

  8. But we have no fear of the mainstream

    There is great pop to love as well. We love the Beatles, modern girl pop and obscure Indian snake charmer music at the same time. We have Kraftwerk, WuTang, System Of A Down and Crass and a million others on our ipods. We love pop music and we love noise. It’s our choice.

  9. Ignore alien orders was once written on a guitar

    In 2011 it would be written in cyberspace.

  10. The old models of rivalry and competition are banished

    We actively encourage our readers to enjoy our comrades work in the likes of The Quietus. We are all mere portals conveying information.

  11. The first rule of this Write Club is that there are no rules

  12. Words are my weapons

    The writing will be informative but also emotional. I want people who are immersed in culture and want to fire you up with their love of it.

  13. Music is one of the last things we have left

    No-one owns it. We can all make it. And we can all celebrate it. It is beyond the accountant’s grim fingers.

  14. People once wanted to save the world now they are saving up to buy it

    We are a break from that.

  15. We are punk