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Climate change

Your most Googled environment questions answered

Your most Googled environment questions answered

We’ve all done a sneaky online search about issues we’re not sure about, so let’s look at the top environmental queries.

  • by Laura Chung


Ghost forests: Australia’s snow gums under threat from climate change

Ghost forests: Australia’s snow gums under threat from climate change

They are beloved trees in the Australian landscape, but snow gums face an existential threat.

  • by Miki Perkins
COP28 puts heat on everyone but Australia is well-placed to act

COP28 puts heat on everyone but Australia is well-placed to act

The world has taken stock of its climate change response and found it seriously wanting. Action can and must be taken.

  • by Kerry Schott
What COP28 achieved – and what it failed to do
COP28 Dubai

What COP28 achieved – and what it failed to do

For the first time in COP’s 28-year history and in the face of fierce opposition from some states, fossil fuels were explicitly named in the event’s final text.

  • by Nick O'Malley
COP28 ends with tears, and a historic deal on transition away from fossil fuels

COP28 ends with tears, and a historic deal on transition away from fossil fuels

The end of the negotiations came suddenly, a day after the talks were to have ended and after two marathon nights of tough discussions between rival voting blocs.

  • by Nick O'Malley
COP28 talks on the cusp of failure with bitter divide over the future of fossil fuels

COP28 talks on the cusp of failure with bitter divide over the future of fossil fuels

There had been hope that the final agreement would include language that specifically addressed the key cause of emissions and climate change – the burning of fossil fuels.

  • by Nick O'Malley
Australia accused of hypocrisy in calling for end to fossil fuels at COP28

Australia accused of hypocrisy in calling for end to fossil fuels at COP28

Climate Change and Energy Minister Chris Bowen told the climate talks that fossil fuels have no future in world energy systems, but his nod to emissions capture has irked some.

  • by Nick O'Malley
I used to spend all year dreaming of summer. Now it just brings anxiety

I used to spend all year dreaming of summer. Now it just brings anxiety

Nothing occupies the Australian collective consciousness like summer. More of a feeling than a precise moment, it’s become less romantic in recent times.

  • by Wendy Syfret
How to understand the COP28 climate talks in four charts

How to understand the COP28 climate talks in four charts

As the world gathers for COP28 in Dubai, it is clear that climate change can no longer be viewed as just a “tragedy on the horizon”.

  • by Nick O'Malley
‘Inheriting a broken planet:’ The twenty-somethings headed for COP28

‘Inheriting a broken planet:’ The twenty-somethings headed for COP28

One hundred youth delegates have been chosen to represent developing nations and indigenous groups at the COP28 UN climate summit, which is getting under way in Dubai.

  • by Lucy Cormack
COP28 gets youthful injection

COP28 gets youthful injection

The next generation of climate change activists explain why they're attending COP28 in Dubai.