Common KnowledgeOverview

Common Knowledge is LibraryThing's fielded wiki for book, author and other information. Members have edited Common Knowledge 16,281,695 times.

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All Types


Agent (6,585/3,342)
Awards and honors (92,920/38,053)
Birthdate (324,858/58,818)
Birthplace (149,966/45,765)
Burial location (19,910/12,356)
Canonical name (147,516/131,959)
Cause of death (6,546/1,452)
Country (for map) (37,426/720)
Date of death (148,685/43,722)
Disambiguation notice (50,071/41,408)
Education (189,993/38,704)
Gender (631,025/137)
Legal name (136,847/120,809)
Nationality (332,028/2,480)
Occupations (417,980/54,915)
Organizations (217,635/88,051)
Other names (102,616/91,025)
Place of death (65,198/19,511)
Places of residence (212,600/40,570)
Relationships (90,597/57,287)
Short biography (37,326/36,747)


Alternate titles (159,337/130,496)
Awards and honors (485,204/14,579)
Blurbers (91,622/40,772)
Book haiku (3,815/3,626)
Canonical DDC/MDS (21,707/4,653)
Canonical LCC (7,994/5,261)
Canonical title (1,494,849/1,221,939)
Dedication (129,784/110,148)
Description (196,479/175,516)
Disambiguation notice (104,372/73,203)
Epigraph (53,149/44,722)
First words (252,824/233,753)
Important events (183,576/22,671)
Important places (842,434/126,442)
Last words (183,548/168,677)
Original language (287,914/1,314)
Original publication date (755,731/36,126)
Original title (406,047/298,925)
People/Characters (1,979,201/794,387)
Publisher's editor (22,304/9,891)
Quotations (56,080/52,694)
Related movies (81,226/39,824)

Legacy Libraries

Birthdate (685/606)
Contributors (568/237)
Date (2,005/1,850)
Date of death (1,118/845)
Education (444/203)
Gender (2,001/3)
Important places (6,955/625)
Inventory Source (2,457/1,551)
Legacy Book Value (1,127/334)
Legacy Category (4,257/45)
Links (25/25)
Nationality (852/39)
Notes (1,821/1,723)
Occupations (1,766/235)
Places of residence (8,353/1,074)
Relationships (258/135)


Dewmoji (4,861/1,336)
Modern wording (48,913/23,059)
Wording (15,850/10,209)


Description (773/661)

Book award

Description (3,646/3,360)


Description (21,735/20,647)

Gray numbers represent the number of edits / the number of unique edits.