Showing posts with label Gus Coma. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gus Coma. Show all posts

Tuesday 17 April 2018

Amos & Lepke - "Modern shit will make you ill" (It's War Boys _ £21) 1984

As I recently acquired the sole missing piece of the "It's war Boys!" jigsaw, namely "Modern Shit Will Make you ill", aka, this tape......; and Amos (Jim Whelton) guested with The Work in Japan) and came from the same squatland scene as This Heat. I bring you this new chapter in the documentation of Amos/Its War Boys/Homosexuals recordings. Directly taken from the original Its War Boys catalog, here is one of the most obscure sonic works of the early 1980s, Modern Shit! First issued on tape (cat No. £21) this work circulated only privately among the close friends of the label and was never officially distributed. Actually, it represents one of the most intense and experimental outputs of this creative London squatland-garde period.
The idea was to create a contemporary 'Non-stop', vaguely in emulous contradiction to products by people like Cerrone and Biddulph (1970s disco queens- which in hindsight was probably even 'weirder' than this stuff? just lacked the sense of humour).
Lepke and Amos, the two minds behind this project (and 2/3 of the Milk from Cheltenham adventures), each constructed a half hour near-continuous non-stop collage using only the foulest materials.
In those days, they had their 8-track studio in a mouldy basement below Brixton Road, Sarf London and they happened to occasionally record some awful wannabe pop bands. It was a truly horrible experience for our heroes,but with a good side.
Almost as soon as the idiots left the studio, Lepke and Amos would start re-mixing their music, often stealing and sticking it (suitably mangled) onto new tracks, the basis material for "Modern Shit!"
Two pseudonymous British gentlemen lurk behind this Modern Shit. The first has used various vaguely absurd monikers over the years, including Amos, L. Voag, and Xentos “Fray” Bentos; the other has stuck with one improbable handle: Lepke Buchwater (no doubt meant to echo the name of legendary U.S. crime kingpin Lepke Buchalter). Currently, they comprise two-thirds of the excellent Die Trip Computer Die; in the late ’70s/early ’80s Amos was in the Homosexuals, the Just Measurers, Amos and Sara, and a host of other obscure bands, while Lepke was the brains behind the group Milk from Cheltenham.
Despite the fact that all these outfits produced wildly creative music, arguably some of the best from the post-punk era, chances are (with the possible the exception of the Homosexuals) you haven’t heard of any of them. In the case of most of these recordings, their low profile was due to a deliberate obscurantism stemming from a DIY/anti-capitalist rejection of the Music Business. As for the Modern Shit project, originally released in the early ’80s on Amos’s cassette label It’s War Boys, there was another reason for keeping things at an almost subterranean level. At the time, Amos and Lepke supported themselves by running a small recording studio, where they recorded all kinds of crappy local bands. As mentioned, after the bands had left, they would muck about with the session tapes—and a lot of that muckery/mockery found its way into this project.
Amos and Lepke’s plundered material got worked into two absurdist “mega-mixes” that were intended as a surrealistic parody of ’70s “non-stop” disco mixes produced by the likes of Cerrone (of Love in C Minor and Supernature fame). Each produced their own continuous half-hour mix, Amos’s appearing on the first side of the original cassette version (indexed as tracks 1 to 19), and Lepke’s on the flip (now tracks 20 to 37). 
Amos and Lepke worked with the same collection of resources, principally drum machines, keyboards, their own vocals, and all manner of “found” recordings—taken from records, TV, and the hapless local bands mentioned above (from whom they mostly lifted vocal tracks).
In terms of methodology, Amos’s mix bears less resemblance to an actual disco “non-stop” than Lepke’s, but it is nonetheless more impressive as a piece of music. In place of a disco’s steady rhythmic base, Amos uses recurring fragments or loops to create linkages between parts. (These bits and pieces can’t really be called “samples,” as it’s very unlikely either Amos or Lepke used samplers, which had barely been introduced at that point. Their dense collages were done the old-fashioned way, with tape manipulation, splicing, turntables, and loops.) Rhythmically, the last thing Amos lays down is a groove—rather, his rhythms are deliberately ridiculous and deranged. The mix’s wacked-out surrealism, however, is tempered by sections that are strangely beautiful, brooding, and mysterious. After a barrage of bizarrely collaged fragments, Amos’s side ends with a five-minute song that could almost seem normal if you weren’t really listening. A lifted vocal lead is rendered completely absurd through strange keyboard colourings and subtly off-kilter backing vocals.
Amos’s own lyrics (that is, when he himself is singing) are both comically ridiculous and somewhat menacing. They are also interrelated with the lyrics in Lepke’s mix: while nothing remotely like a coherent narrative emerges, both reference World War II, Nazis, and political repression.
Lepke’s mix is “funkier” than Amos’s—you can tap your foot to much of it, and an actual bona fide disco beat even crops up briefly. But it’s still a complete piss-take, and full of wildly demented humour.Hours of fun can be spent spotting the extracts form Holgar Czukay's 'Canaxis', and identifying snippets of Pierre Henri's musique concrete oeuvre.
The work these two produced,predates and will appeal to fans of the plunderphonic/cut-up work produced by Nurse with Wound, John Oswald, Stock, Hausen & Walkman, and People Like Us.But remember ,they got there first.


(1-37) Modern Shit Will Make You Ill

DOWNLOAD this vintage shit HERE!

Wednesday 31 December 2014

Narky Brillans - "Goes Into Orbo" (It's War Boys! Cassette, £13) 1981

It's the end of the year,so I'll do what every TV channel does and look back over the year at Die or DIY?
This time last year this blog has just been deleted by the (Ir)relevant authorities for some made up crimes against,among others, the Beatles; because one included a cover version of "I Love You" on a Stray Trolleys cassette!
The best part of a year was spent re-posting everything that was wiped,without consultation one may add, or with recourse to appeal. The inter-web my be relatively "free" but it ain't just, or secure from your own,and other countries' (USA) governments.

To celebrate(?) a year of mainly repeats,here's another repeat post,the imperious Narky Brillans 'goes into Orbo' (also known as Narki Brillans in some quarters;,but this time with a difference. Previously posted without full track editing, one has now been bothered to edit this masterpiece into its constituent tracks,and ripped it to high quality 320k mp3.
As usual with any It's War Boys release there appears to be inconsistencies with the track listing.There are seven tracks when only six are listed,so i am guessing as to which tracks are which. Checking with the vinyl re-release from a few years ago,which has eight tracks(?), i have identified one previously unlisted track,"Dave got a job in a Garage".

Here's the original review anyway:

"More looney tunes from the Homosexuals collective, this time by Narky Brillans, who created this unhinged sound collage back in 1981,again on cassette(£13 is the catalogue number not the price by the way). Brillans was a central member of that collective and this cracked 1981 side is the perfect distillation of the UK DIY aesthetic, with a series of songs, instrumentals and sound works that combine the subterranean rock style of Swell Maps with home-recorded rants, punk-pop instants, outer space drones and doomy synth. Don't know what the personnel was on this recording,but i can sense the presence of Jim Whelton, L Voag ,lurking somewhere in the background of this murky DIY concréte classic. Its very L.Voag in places, and has certain echos of the equally fantastic Gus Coma cassette(posted below,as this was also the victim of a DCMA claim,and had to be removed). These are the sound experiments that Stephen Stapleton allegedly heard to inspire his Nurse With Wound project."

Track Listing:(for Narky Brillans)

Worship Worship U.S.A.

On This Side Of The Tracks

Dave got a job in a garage

Fashist Tea Party

ATom Making Bomb

Falling Hole Into
B3    We Got U.S. Dollars

DOWNLOAD and Go into Orbo with Narky HERE!

GUS COMA - "Color Him Coma" (It's war Boys! £17) 1983 :

Gus Coma Tracklisting:

Pro Walkabout Side
A1 Gut Morning
A2 Very Smart (it was)
A3 Are You Swede?
A4 Tourist
A5 Meet Our Employees
A6 The Cup Is Clean
A7 Televisions
A8 New Broom
A9 The Infiltrators
A10 Sonar Too Good
A11 The Boss's Terrible Handwritting
A12 Avril Shower
A13 Topic Of Cancer
A14 It's 09754
A15 Say Aaah
A16 Advice To The Elderly
A17 Bak Seat Driver

Anti Walkman Side
B1 No More Shoes
B2 Shopping List
B3 Mr. West Today
B4 Stay At Home Housewife
B5 On 99 o o oh
B6 His Own 2 Feet
B7 Bethlehem
B8 Inteligent
B9 Directions
B10 Lemonade 'N' Beer
B11 His Master's Vox
B12 The Wrong Guy
B13 G'Bye For Now


From the sleeve; "Gus Coma is 6 or 7 years old but with a brain and stomach ulcers of a 34yr old xcekutiv. Fanx to every one."

DOWNLOAD a colorful coma HERE!