Indigenous Action Podcast Ep. 18: No Settler Future An Anti-Year in Review (sorta)

From Indigenous Action youtube channel

Join Klee Benally, Chizhii, and Kittie Kuntagion as they close out the colonial calendar year with a raging fire of challenges and agitations that have been at the forefront of anti colonial struggle in 2023.

We ask the questions, “What fights matter the most to you right now?” and more simply, “What’s pissing you off the most these days?”. Then we just go off from there.

Claim for attack on “AB Vasilopoulos” supermarkets


Via Act for freedom now!

Athens, Greece: Claim for attack on “AB Vasilopoulos” supermarkets

In the autumn of 2023, a new labour law of A. Georgiadis was passed. Among other things the law includes : thirteen-hour contracts, zero-hour contracts, the complete abolition of the five-day working week, the illegalization of strikes, as well as the complete liberalization of dismissals, withdrawing any justification for them.

Nikos Maziotis on his 4th rejection of parole

Write to anarchist prisoners!

Via Act for freedom now!

Comrade Roupa’s attitude was no different from mine. Together we took political responsibility for our participation in Revolutionary Struggle, together we defended the organization’s action as political action in and out of court, and we remained consistent throughout our detention. Neither can it be intellectually claimed that Comrade Roupa “transformed” her character in prison, nor did she change her political beliefs and views and was released unrepentant with her head held high. This is actually our own political victory against the state.

The State’s final assault on Rouvikonas has unfolded

From Rouvikonas
December 7, 2023

For years, we have been facing one attempt after another to get us rid of. Dozens of arrests and trials have not succeeded in breaking us. Despite the hardships and the financial and political cost, we have continued to fight undeterred, always aware of the importance of our struggle.

Being an Anarchist

From Ill Will

Thinking anarchy philosophically consisted largely in subverting the legitimacy of anarchism, subverting the subversion of power in a gesture that has never perceived itself and has therefore never analyzed itself either. A gesture both hegemonic and subservient that will remain unthought so long as anarchy as a concept is not confronted with the anarchist radicality of that which does not (self-)govern.

Actions Against Gentrification & Displacement


Via Act for freedom now!

Full original title: Athens, (Exarxeia) Greece :Taking responsibility for the actions against gentrification and displacement By Anarchists

We call for corresponding sabotage in every neighbourhood affected by the onslaught they call “development”.

DAWN RAY’D – The fire has gone out, but the flame burns on

September 19, 2023

If you’re lucky, you’ll experience occasions during your lifetime when a band comes along that’s like no other. A band whose music is impossible to replace. The band fills a gap you didn’t know existed. Dawn Ray’d was one such band. Their uncompromising blend of message, vision and music, of love/anger, light/dark, was exceptional. Only Godspeed You! Black Emperor could match Dawn Ray’d’s expression.


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