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Showing posts with label tim buckley. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tim buckley. Show all posts

Monday 20 December 2021

Swim To Me

The days are very strange at the moment. Wake up early, everything crashes back in a millisecond later. The anxious knot reappears in the stomach, the tightness in the chest. The realisation that emotional pain can be so physical, so bodily present. Lie in bed for ages because it seems better than facing the day. Then the morning disappears, you shake yourself into doing something and then suddenly it's going dark. Evening stretches out and it's bedtime. Repeat.

The funeral was attended by huge numbers of people, the wake too, and we gave him the send off he deserved. It was all consuming but now it's done- the planning, organisation and the detail and the tenseness of waiting for it- we're left the dealing with the absence of him. And Christmas less than a week away. I've only just really twigged that it's December. Time seemed to pause on the last day of November and now someone's unclicked the pause button and it's the 20th December. 

My unplanned Elizabeth Fraser vocal trip took me down to the inevitable end of that road yesterday when I played Song To The Siren, a three minute and thirty second wave of sadness and loss. 

Song To The Siren

This re- edited version by In The Valley is depending on your point of view either a crime or a beautifully Balearic, slightly dubby re- imagining of This Mortal Coil's cover of Tim Buckley's song. I'm going with the latter. 

Edit To The Siren

Saturday 27 February 2021

Something About Love For Glory

Drifting through the Freeview channels a couple of weekends ago I found the old BBC2 programme Sounds Of The Sixties and in my slightly red wine affected haze a black and white performance by Tim Buckley, originally from Late Night Line Up in 1968.

Such a strange combination of instruments and sounds- Buckley's folk guitar, the jazz chords and runs of the guitarist along with the rhythm section of double bass and congas. On top, Buckley's voice with those detours he takes into yodelling. The TV says the song is called I'm Coming Home but the song as it appeared on his 1969 album was called Happy Time. I found it very odd but entrancing when it was on and as soon as it finished I rewound the TV and watched it again, unexpectedly drawn in by Tim Buckley's psychedelic jazz- folk fusion.

This song, from 1967, is a bit less startling but still pretty hypnotic, a three and a half minute swirl, the words and the voice tumbling over the music (piano, acoustic guitar, drums), no chorus or hooks to speak of, just this acoustic psychedelic flow

Phantasmagoria In Two

Saturday 30 September 2017

Sail To Me

The This Mortal Coil cover version I posted on Tuesday, a genuine 80s indie classic from Ivo Watts-Russell, Liz Fraser and Robin Guthrie, has been re-edited by In The Valley. You might think that the TMC original is so peerless that it should never be tinkered with. In fact, In The Valley says on his/her/their Soundcloud page 'They told me not to touch the classics, but I did'. And it is worth it, taking the spectral qualities of the Guthrie and Fraser song and marrying it to a Balearic reggae feel. You'll be playing this several times this morning alone (and there's a download button too).

Tuesday 26 September 2017

Theatre De La Mer

After a few years of holding the annual Convenanza festival inside the castle at Carcasonne this year's Convenanza moved to the coast and and the port town of Sete. Convenanza is a three day festival organised by Bernie Fabre with a line up of artists chosen by Andrew Weatherall and Bernie- this year's festival at Sete took place in the outdoor theatre shown above, the Theatre de la Mer where the backdrop is the Mediterranean Sea. I can't get to the south of France for a weekend during term time but I have online sources who were there and provided a running commentary of pictures, clips, tunes and reports over the weekend. The line up for this year looked like this...

As the weekend wound down one of my social media friends was raving about the impact this song had when played in the theatre outdoors after dark. It's a lovely Balearic chugger from 2012 by Coyote with a vocal by Gavin Gordon, the sort of song that takes you up and brings you down...


There's a very good acid tinged remix by Sean Johnston as well, the half of A Love From Outer Space that isn't Mr Weatherall. The same roving reporter on the dockside also pointed us towards this one by Norway's Laars, a mid-paced dj set track that goes a bit loopy in the middle and seems to have set hairs on the back of the neck on end and arms in the air...

The ALFOS dj set, Weatherall and Johnston back to back, on Friday night closed with This Mortal Coil's spine-tingling cover of Song To The Siren, Liz Fraser's voice drifting out from the theatre to the sea, 'Long afloat on shipless oceans, I did all my best to smile'....

Song To The Siren

Wednesday 9 October 2013

Swim To Me, Let Me Enfold You

Beautiful live version of the Starsailor's death trip song; it keeps vanishing from Youtube so watch while it's hot. The album version is less folky, more...twinkly and disorientating. But this is superb too- entrancing and with the original line about being as puzzled as the oyster, which he later changed to 'as a new born child' after someone laughed at it. I'm not a big fan of the rest of his output but this song is entrancing. Quite appropriate really.

Friday 9 September 2011

Sail To Me, Let Me Enfold You

Or Song To The Siren Slight Return. A reader, plasticsun, left a comment at the This Mortal Coil post the other day recommending Scottish folkie James Yorkston's cover version of Tim Buckley's song. So here it is. It used to be a free download at Yorkston's website and was also a B-side to a 7" single. It's very folkie, with fiddle and a plaintive vocal, and is really quite affecting.

Sunday 4 September 2011

Til Your Singing Eyes And Fingers

But my favourite cover of Song To The Siren is by Half Man Half Biscuit, who treat it like a standard indie guitar song with chords, guitar, drums and bass. Nigel only makes one irreverent suggestion to the lyrics during the 'was I hare, when you were fox?' line. Oh, and there's a fantastic sting in the tail- Vatican Broadside, thirty seconds tacked on the end concerning the Pope and Slipknot, with copious swearing.

I Did All My Best To Smile

The most famous cover version of Tim Buckley's Song To The Siren (and there are many) was by This Mortal Coil, a 4AD band. Described on wiki as a 'gothic dream pop supergroup' This Mortal Coil were label boss Ivo Watts-Russell and John Fryer, with a rotating cast of 4AD musicians including The Cocteau Twins Liz Fraser and Robin Guthrie. Song To the Siren was just Guthrie and Fraser. It was a massive independent hit in 80s Britain and deservedly so. It's a ghostly, spectral, 'gothic dream pop' cover version that surely even people that don't like The Cocteau Twins must be impressed by.

Saturday 3 September 2011

Long Afloat On Shipless Oceans

This is the first post in a mini-series that will last at least four posts. I can see you're excited. Tim Buckley's Song To The Siren is one of those legendary songs that in the pre-internet age you could read references to for years before actually hearing. Once heard you might go.. Uh? It's certainly an acquired taste and there isn't much else in his back catalogue I can listen to in the same way (feel free to make suggestions). Tim yodels. There's no other way to put it. But this song is a beauty- sparse, almost non-existent backing but there's some weird phased, reverb heavy guitar in there too, Tim's voice and a stunning death trip lyric.

Written in 1967 Tim Buckley struggled to record a version he was happy with, with the consequence that Pat Boone released the first version of it. Buckley performed it on The Monkees tv show in a folk style, before releasing it on his 1970 Starsailor lp. It also underwent lyric changes between recorded versions ('I'm as puzzled as the oyster' became 'I'm as puzzled as the new born child'). In the end, it's one of those songs which is impossible to describe satisfactorily, which will always be incomprehensible to some people, and which others will never get tired of hearing or get to the bottom of.

A friend of mine once described buying a Tim Buckley cassette years ago and drifting off to sleep with it on, only to be awakened by what he thought was a man swallowing a mewling kitten.