Showing posts with label 2022DartsChallenge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2022DartsChallenge. Show all posts

Thursday, October 06, 2022

Lurking in the drafts for some reason . . .

. . .  don't ask me why.  Probably thought at the time that I was going to pen a 5,000 word blog post on the intersection of Darts and Revolutionary Socialism but I got sidetracked watching a Still Game marathon.

It happens . . . it happens too often.

Friday, September 23, 2022

I feel unusual today . . .

Fuck me.

Hit another 180 in the next leg . . . and actually won the leg this time.

I might have to do the lottery tonight. My luck's in.


Actually, I did fuck up this time. Entered 18 as my score into the app. 

Force of habit. 

'What the fuck you doing, Russ Bray?'

 I've been using the Target Carrera darts off and on for the last week and a half and finally hit a 180 with them.

The Russ Bray Darts App (level fucking 7) then proceeds to reply with a 174, and I eventually lose the leg.

File under 'Fuck That'.


Wednesday, September 07, 2022

Busted . . .

When you're going for a S5 and bust out with the T20  . . . and then keep going. 😂

The Darts App I was playing against didn't say a fucking word. 😉


Sunday, September 04, 2022

First of the month . . .

It's always cool to follow up a 180 with 12 (D1 S5 S5). Keeps me in my place:


Tuesday, August 09, 2022

Top Darts Tips . . . an ongoing series.

 Top darts tip. Sharpen your darts more than once a month.

If I hadn't sharpened my darts earlier today, this would not have been a 180. Instead there would have been a gif of me screaming 'Why me, God? Why me' . . .as the second dart drops out of the board.


Thursday, August 04, 2022

Tuesday, August 02, 2022

That John Sayles film . . .

Popped into my local bar after my annual haircut, and actually scored a 180 on their battered and bruised board. Turns out they have a better board  . . . but they only put it up on league nights. 😂

I didn't even know they had a darts team.


Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Top Darts Tips . . . an ongoing series.

I threw for 9 180s today. This was the only one I got. With the previous 8, I knew I was throwing for a 180. This one I didn't. I thought my first two darts were a S20 and a S5. Thank you for bad lighting and bad eyesight. It calms the nerves.


Sunday, July 17, 2022

Back to basics . . .

Back to my One80 Rectifiers. Famous last words but I think they are  . . .  gulp . . . my forever darts.


Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Top Darts Tip

If you're thinking of getting rid of a set of darts don't give them 'one last throw' 'cos it will only mess up your fucking head.

My first (and probably last) 180 with the Shot Zen Ki darts (26g):


Monday, July 11, 2022

Tales from Disney . . .

Picked up the @TheDartsReferee darts for the first time in a couple of months. Throwing for a 180 and my third dart decides to do this.

I think I killed Bambi's mother in a past life.

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Wednesday, June 15, 2022