Current issue

Winter 2023


  • Anti-fascism now

    As the UK far right evolves and wields new power, antifascists must adapt their tactics to defeat it, writes David Renton

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  • Undoing Franco’s legacy

    A half century after the Spanish dictator’s death, a new law offers truth, reparations and justice to the victims of fascism. Uma Arruga i López reports

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  • Working class films and social change: An interview with Ken Loach

    Ken Loach talks to Hilary Wainwright about his latest film, The Old Oak, and his long career dignifying the lives and struggles of ordinary people

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  • Health workers on strike: taking action, forcing change

    Striking health workers share their reflections on a year of industrial action – and the path forward for the NHS

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About Red Pepper

Red Pepper magazine is a quarterly publication and website of left politics and culture.

We draw on socialist, feminist, green and anti-racist politics.

We seek to be a space for debate on the left, a resource for movements for social justice, and a home for open-minded anti-capitalists.

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