Massresistance #conspiracy

We should take Chanukah’s lesson to heart. Even though the forces ruling us want to drastically change society and replace God in our lives with the secular state and ever more ruthlessly impose godless secularism on us throughout society, do not give up. The battle is not lost. Seemingly impossible circumstances can and will be overcome with God's help.

That is God’s message to all of us: If you do your part, God will do His. But you must be willing to fight back. If the Maccabees hadn't stepped up, what would have happened?

Michelle Bachmann and Charlie Kirk #racist

MICHELLE BACHMANN (GUEST): Maybe our President Biden should learn what the truth is of what's going on in Gaza versus what's going on in Israel. So, could you imagine he handed a check for 100 billion dollars of our money just a couple of weeks after they slit the throats of Israelis, he is not willing to sign 14 billion to help the Israelis, the money is flowing in for Gaza, all the money is coming in from Iran

And that's what the people of Gaza are. They're basically hide mercenaries. That is their industry. Terrorism is their industry. That's why you have more miles of tunnels, Charlie, than you have the New York subway. Because they have one industry in Gaza and that's terrorism

So, it's time that Gaza ends. The two million people who live there, they are clever assassins, they need to be removed from that land. That land needs to be turned into a national park, and since they're the voluntary mercenaries for Iran, they need to be dropped on the doorstep of Iran, let Iran deal with those people

CHARLIE KIRK (HOST): Michelle Bachmann, everybody, she does a great job, doesn't she? And, I got to be honest, you know, I look at Israel, and Israel says we never want another person into our country that doesn't share our values. They said they don't want refugees, they don't want any of these people

BACHMANN: What a concept

KIRK: I want American immigration policy to be like that


KIRK: I want American immigration policy to be like that

BACHMANN: Yes, yes, I agree

KIRK: I want American immigration policy to be the Israeli immigration policy. Big walls, lots of deportations, and no people that hate us

Benjamin Fulford #crackpot #racist #wingnut #conspiracy

It is almost game over. The so-called “rules-based world order” has lost internationally. All that is left now is to finish them off in their last strongholds in Europe, Israel and the United States.
The clearest sign of their defeat was a UN vote on December 13th calling for a cease-fire in Gaza. Only 8 countries supported the USrael’s opposition to the ceasefire. These were Austria, Czechia, Guatemala, Liberia, Micronesia, Nauru, Papua New Guinea and Paraguay. Another way to look at this is to see these as the last countries controlled by the Nazi faction of the Khazarian Mafia.

This is down from 60 countries that attended a Knights of Malta meeting calling for a continuation of the Ukraine war last summer. Significantly, none of the other G7 countries now support USrael.

The loss of Japan was probably the biggest blow to the Nazis. Last week a dozen senior Japanese politicians, including four cabinet ministers, were arrested in Japan.
They were all affiliated with the Unification Church or Moonies. Japan is now in the midst of a major political clean-up that will remove the system of KM bribery that turned the Parliament into a giant acting troupe.
Land-locked Paraguay is where the Moonies had a ranch next to the one owned by Adolf Hitler (see attached FBI report on Hitler) that was subsequently taken over by George Bush Sr. They used Japanese and German submarines to create an international drug mafia smuggling cocaine from South America, amphetamines from North Korea and Heroin from Southeast Asia. This group was also engaged in large-scale human trafficking and arms sales.

They made their big move on September 11, 2001, and managed to turn the USrael into a Nazi state along with Japan. That is why Japan and the West began a massive bio-weapons research and dispersal project after 911.

Now that Japan has been liberated, the battle is on to remove the Nazi strongholds in Austria, Czechia, Israel and the US.

Kamuroshiryu #dunning-kruger #conspiracy #crackpot

Why I am saying Marvel is currently delivering social justice advertising is, just recently and judging by Disney's ownership and direction over the company, they have decided to make a reboot where the X-Men will be race-swapped and some of the characters will either have their sexual orientations or genders changed in order to boost their Blackrock ESG (Environmental, Social & Governance) scores in which doing so shall please Larry Fink and many other shareholders that want their coffers filled in desperately.

Now don't get me wrong when anyone thinks I'm a bigot for hating the X-Men for having women or ethnically diverse characters that have already existed for 60 years (and that is counting the X-Men's cancellation in 1970 due to low sales until its revival 5 years after that) within the comic books, cartoons, videogames and even a fair share of anime. I don't really hate that fact, it is just that the social justice activists that infiltrated Marvel and Disney wanted to insert their "current day" identity politics drivel into the works of fiction along with our favourite characters, and that ruins the X-Men for who they are, strong and flawed characters with complicated backstories. They are nobody else's personal mouthpiece which Stan Lee surely did not want, even if he was alive. The X-Men already have a lot of wonderful female characters, so making a film based strictly on a third-wave feminist lens by making the team purely female is just illogical since none of the lovely ladies like Jean Grey, Ororo Munroe, Laura Howlett and Betsy Braddock should be treated like visual icons for cultural Marxism, but just characters that good-minded individuals like me can relate to.

various commenters #wingnut #racist

( @Nature_and_Race )
A list of countries in Africa currently offering blacks in America free citizenship:


Please circulate this list all over black social media. Let them know that they don't have to stay in the horrible, racist, White supremacist America if they don't want to. A large number of African countries are willing to give them free citizenship.


( @thesadshow )
@Nature_and_Race Blacks don't want to go to Africa because Africa is a toilet. What they want is to enjoy the luxuries of living in a white country while pretending that's not the case.

( @spud11 )
@Nature_and_Race Reparayshuns in the form of airline tickets. Or a spot on a container ship. I don't care as long as they leave and never come back. "Go niggers, go! Go build Wakanda!"

( @VictoryValhalla )
@Nature_and_Race let’s go niggers time to do the right thing for once in your lifetime.

( @iamthedarkness )
These stupid Niggers didn't leave the first time they were supposed to they must leave by force imo 😤

( @E_P_A_ )
@Nature_and_Race Guarantee not one nigger will go.

( @Snickler )
@Nature_and_Race they should be made to go back because they won't leave on their own...

( @CN32 )
@Nature_and_Race but they won't go because they love White society (and White women) and they don't have to work for what they want in White nations, nor are they penalized when they mess up in White nations. Whites coddle them too much.

( @excid )
@Nature_and_Race Great. Now all the niggers will be dual citizens too

( @krain21 )
@Nature_and_Race GO BACK TO AFRICA.

( @HeirRevisionist )
@Nature_and_Race if we started sending our quality niggers over there this list would start to shrink real quick like.

( @Sentinel62 )
@Nature_and_Race ...the offer is there, but they wouldn't have the luxury of looting stores and pulling the race card.

( @GermanicMechanic )
@Nature_and_Race Send those niggers back!

( @CanadatotheCanadians )
@Nature_and_Race Send the niggers to Africa and the jews to Hell.

Garrett Ventry #wingnut

The Colorado Supreme Court taking Trump off the ballot is the latest political warfare from the Left. Legally speaking, Trump hasn’t been charged with insurrection, and was cleared in the Senate on that exact question. Politically, you’d think the Democrats would learn their lesson. Every time they attack Trump he skyrockets in the polls.

Medeea Greere #wingnut #quack #conspiracy

Your voices, and your unshakable commitment to the truth, have played a pivotal role in exposing the hidden agenda, thereby thwarting the second planned pandemic and subsequent lockdowns. The globalist deep state has been forced to abandon its malevolent scheme thanks to the MASSIVE AWAKENING INFORMATION CAMPAIGN!

Across more than 100 nations, their sinister plan has crumbled, with fewer than 5% of Americans succumbing to their booster shot agenda. Across the globe, consensus has been reached that the world refuses to bow to new lockdowns, and most now see a sinister elite agenda lurking behind the pandemic, vaccines, and lockdowns. Moreover, nations are awakening to the stark corruption undermining their two-tier governments, suppressing human rights, and censoring freedom of speech!
It may seem like a bold claim, but the evidence is mounting. Several key figures are supposedly coming together, moving like a well-oiled machine beneath the surface. Think about it: Trump, with his undeniable charisma and ability to stir the masses; Elon Musk, the genius entrepreneur known for groundbreaking ventures and his audacious comments on societal structures; and Tucker Carlson, the articulate and often controversial host, shedding light on subjects many would rather stay in the dark.
Armed with keywords like Trump, Musk, Carlson, Rogan, Deep State, and more, a deeper dive into the world of alternative media and its explosive revelations is warranted. The call to action is clear: Stay vigilant, question the mainstream, and most importantly, seek the truth. No matter how dramatic or aggressive it may sound, the age of passive consumption is over.

As we head further into 2023 and approach 2024, brace yourself. This drama is just getting started, and if the current trajectory is anything to go by, we’re in for an unforgettable rollercoaster ride. One where truth, power, and intrigue collide in a spectacle that the world has never seen before.

woodchip #wingnut #conspiracy

(referring to treason and insurrection)

Yes there is a distinction, neither of which has Trump been charged with, let alone convicted of. As to Desantis, yes at one time I was going to vote for him. As time goes by and The Dems make more and more stuff up about Trump, I will vote for him as he is the one to shake things up and put this country back on a even keel.

SomeRando #transphobia #sexist

Usually"? No, you fucking freak. When I was 9 I remember when we'd call eachother faggot, browse 4chan and, and rally around someone's dad's porno mags.. Girls were averse to our antics - there was absolutely no androgyny. Never was there a question of who was what in terms of appearance and behavior.

Stop turning kids into vegan cats.

Incels Wiki #sexist #conspiracy #crackpot #dunning-kruger

Fakeup or war paint, more commonly known by the euphemism makeup, is the main looksmaxxing strategy used by sexual gatekeepers to date above their looksmatch. Sluts use makeup to outcompete other women in getting the attention of Chad, basically by accentuating their neoteny and smoothness.

Traditionally, makeup had mainly been used as an identifier during war and was associated with raping and pillaging villages for resources and women. Today, femoids engage in mass psychological warfare against peaceful nice guys to drain them of their resources, without giving sex in return.

Women's cosmetics

Women's sexual strategy is more passive/coy and consists in attracting men by conspicuous advertisement, whereas men's strategy is to actively seek out and compete for women. For this reason, women compete by aesthetics and use makeup. This is amplified by the cosmetic industry selling and advertising a vast range of products designed for this purpose.

Men's cosmetics

Men who use makeup are easily regarded as gay or trans because attracting a partner by looks is a more feminine activity, even though looks matter for both sexes. Men might also become envious of men evading their way of competing for women by aesthetics, especially in highly utilitarian modern societies, where men rather invest in competence than beautifying themselves.

Newt Gingrich #wingnut

Colorado is on the verge of becoming the new Venezuela. Four lawyers have decided that their views outweigh the 1,364,607 Coloradans who voted for Donald Trump in 2020. Keeping a political opponent from even running is the behavior of a dictatorship not a democracy. Coloradans should demand these four partisan destroyers of democracy be removed from office. There were 341,000 Colorado voters for Trump for each self-appointed freedom killer. They should not be allowed to pretend they are judges. They replace the rule of law with the rule of power. Welcome to Venezuela or Cuba or Nicaragua.

woodchip #wingnut

The real difference is Biden was never Pres. when he took the documents, so doesn't come under the Presidential powers act. Trump does. Allowing the FBI to search means...squat, and you know it. Again, the espionage should be used against Biden except the Dems are in power and the law does not apply to them.
Also why is Hunter not in jail when Steve Bannon did the same thing and went to jail because of it:

Debbie Solaris #magick #ufo

The Akashic Records, or "The Book of Life," can be equated to the universe's super-computer system.
It is this system that acts as the central storehouse of all information for every individual who has ever lived upon the earth.
Much more than simply a memory storehouse, however, these Akashic Records are interactive in that they have a tremendous influence upon our everyday lives, our relationships, our feelings and belief systems, and the potential realities we draw toward us.
The Akashic Records contain the entire history of every soul since the dawn of Creation. These records connect each one of us to one another.

It is no exaggeration to state that the computer has transformed (and is still in the process of transforming) the entire planet. Whether it's technology, transportation, communication, education, or entertainment, the computer age has revolutionized the globe and the ways in which we understand and interact with one another. No segment of modern society has gone unaffected. The amount of information now stored in computer memory is literally unfathomable. And yet, this vast complex of computer systems and collective databases cannot begin to come close to the power, the memory, or the omniscient recording capacity of the Akashic Records.
While we are discussing the Akashic Records, allow me to caution you not to read other people’s Akashic Records unless you have their explicit consent.

We share the information and insights in the Akashic Records, but this doesn’t mean you are entitled to compromise others’ privacy. Reading the Akashic Records is like walking into someone’s house and looking around. If it’s your own house, you obviously have the right to do this.

You own even the things you have forgotten to be there, so you have the right to open the boxes and check their contents.

With other people’s houses, however, you don’t just walk in and snoop around.

James Gilliland #ufo #magick #elitist #conspiracy

You can see this great reveal in politics, UFO disclosure, business and basic everyday interactions. In disclosure the shills, planned opposition, those who are morally and integrity challenged, the narcissists, opportunists along with the bat _hit crazies are all being revealed. Fits right into contact with spiritually and technologically benevolent beings, NOT.
Wait till the people find out the majority of the UFO community is a controlled narrative and has been suppressing the benevolent high-level contacts. The depths of the false disclosure, the affiliations with the global elite, alphabet agencies and military by the top people in the field will shock most in the UFO community.
As we move closer to the big switch realize it’s going to get crazy. Especially if you’re with family these holidays, they seem to know right where to go to push your buttons. Just say yes and smile to the woke, don’t let them bait you into an argument. If they haven’t figured it out by now, they don’t want too. You cannot instill want into another being. <..> Don’t forget the only power anyone has over you is because you want something from them. Love, acceptance, agreement, this Christmas give yourself the present of finding it within. There is nothing worth joy so don’t give it up. We also might add try looking around and being grateful for what we do have, the opportunities to help others, serve, and don’t let friends, family or this dis-functional planet get you down. You didn’t come to be a part of the disfunction or fit in. Get plenty of popcorn, it is going to be quite a show. Always remember there is an unstoppable force behind the planetary liberation, the awakening and healing of Humanity and the Earth. Human means God/Man/Woman and the Creator in its most unlimited understanding is pure unconditional love, joy and bliss. It is the spark waiting to ignite into the full flame. Light it up.

mrperfect-qm9vt #sexist

(This man is victim blaming a woman who has been attack by a stranger unprovoked)

@eddym2679 Or deported! She may of Rejected him in a nasty way as some girls will do, not that, that excuses him.
If that was the case, hopefully this humbles her.

@sponish0 Don't be silly, he was obviously triggered by something.

Jesse Lee Peterson #fundie

Did you know your intellect is God's enemy? The intellect hates God.

But people worship the intellect. People get paid to keep you locked and focused on the intellect.

An intellectual person is evil. They're of their father the Devil. They have no peace.

Elgeyo Marakwet mob #sexist #psycho

Efforts to eradicate female genital mutilation in Kenya have suffered a setback after a police officer was killed in a confrontation with a gang of youths

Activists and local leaders condemned the murder, calling it a backward step in the fight to eradicate the practice in the country. Police in Elgeyo Marakwet county, in the Rift Valley region, had taken a group of girls who had been forced to undergo the illegal procedure to hospital when a mob of young men stormed a police station and stoned Cpl Mushote Boma to death

“Angry youth raided the police post in a bid to get the girls, who had been rescued by police after they were genitally mutilated, where they overpowered the officer who was on duty and stoned him to death before burning his body using a mattress,” reported the government-owned Kenya news agency

The six girls are recuperating at a local hospital, according to county police commander, Peter Mulinge[…]
Mwebia, whose organisation has since trained nearly 500 male champions in counties where FGM exists, says men cringe when they are shown videos of the cut, a rite they traditionally believe is undertaken for their benefit

“They are told the cut makes women more mature and avoid promiscuity. They are also told that they will lose any respect within the community by marrying an uncut woman. That is why they will kill anyone, including a policeman, who interferes with the cut,” Mwebia said

Mwebia was attacked by another group of men in Kuria in December 2016 after he and a colleague were suspected of filming a street parade of girls undergoing the cut

Wai Chong #moonbat

Xi has said so many times, "Soft power". Meaning economic collaboration.

Why are the United States and NATO so afraid?

Well, the key is that One Belt One Road makes shipping less important, dedollarize, and thus make United States less important.

Do you think it's stealing of IP? Nah, the no. 1 IP theft country is India. India is producing cheap medicines that are basically stolen IP. But why didn't US go after India? Well, India could steal but not innovate.

China could take an IP and then innovate and make IPs far better. No? Look, space station is one of the most difficult to do. Even the US has to beg Russia to help. China singlehandedly develop an entire space station themselves.

If China isn't that smart, the western media, wall street, western governments won't be targeting China. It's not about communism (yeah, Vietnam is communist and USA wants to be a friend.. LOL). It's not about stealing IP. It's not even about Taiwan. It is the fact that 1.4 billion Chinese who have the talents of Jews will outshine the Western Powers soon. That's scary to the Westerners.

Ben Garrison #wingnut

We put Mitch McConnell near the top of the list because he was one of the leading Trump backstabbers. “Et tu, Mitch?” Old turtlehead seems to have his head up his….shell….and he is one of the leaders of the UniParty.

Crooked Hillary is a perennial presence on the naughty list. We consider her to be permanently naughty. She deserves to make the Naughty Hall of Fame. Plus she never goes away! She seems to think she’s popular and in fact, don’t be surprise if Joe is forced to step down and Hillary steps into his place while acting all self-sacrificing and humble. It would be glorious to see Hillary lose to Trump a second time.

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The Deep State Swamp and the corporate fake news media are also permanently stamped onto the naughty list, but two new entries are Jack Smith and Nikki Haley. Smith is a prosecutor willing to stretch or break any law to stop Trump. We are sure he descends from inquisitors and witch hunters. Smith would love to torture Trump if he could. Haley is the choice of the RINO neocons because she is just like them — corrupt, pro-war, and part of the Swamp.

There are a lot more naughty names that could go on the ’naughty’ list, and a lot more than could be added to the ‘nice’ list. Rand Paul, for example. Alas, our canvas is limited.

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We certainly would like to mention the nicest people of all: Our supporters. This has been a very rough year for Ben due to medical reasons—and a great many of you pitched in to help us survive. You all know who you are and we wish we could put all of your names on the nice list. We greatly appreciate all of you!

wjones215 #conspiracy #homophobia

Another tactic to create more broken homes so the government to step in to become the parent. You see, stable homes = stable people in society who can manage their own affairs with a level head. These creeps hate that, they want broken people in constant need of the government support.

Sheva #transphobia

TRA’s have been skinning ALL women already. Skinning away their rights, their identities, their voices, their communities and so on. They will skin until almost all skin is gone and the only “acceptable” skin left will be the TRA foreskins dangling between their legs that they dub “girldicks”

Jean-François Braunstein #wingnut #transphobia #enbyphobia #interphobia

[Context: description of a book written by the fundie in question.]

A wave of madness and intolerance is sweeping the Western world. Originating in American universities, woke religion is sweeping everything in its path: universities, schools, companies, media and culture.

This religion propagates, in the name of the fight against discrimination, dogmas that are at least unheard of: Gender theory professes that sex and the body do not exist and that consciousness is what matters. Critical race theory asserts that all white people are racist, but that no racialized person is racist. Point of view epistemology argues that all knowledge is situated and that there is no objective science, not even exact sciences. The aim of the wokes is to deconstruct all cultural and scientific heritage and prepare for the establishment of a dictatorship in the name of good and social justice . It is all this and much more that Braunstein explains and contextualizes in this The Woke Religion , supported by texts, theses, conferences and essays, which he cites and explains at length, to denounce this new religion that destroys freedom. A shocking and salutary essay.

various commenters #wingnut #racist

( @Nature_and_Race )
This used to be THE single most important tenet of White Nationalism.

But then Russia invaded Ukraine, and instantaneously, that tenet ceased to even exist.

@Nature_and_Race no more brother wars

( @MissLeah91 )
@Nature_and_Race It's another jew instigated, jew manipulated and jew financed war from which the jew and only the jew benefits. There are no winners in the White world here. Russia didn't want Ukraine joining NATO putting NATO and the jew banks on their doorstep. Ukraine came under the influence of the Obama/Biden/Pelosi/Romney/Newsom Regime years ago and joining NATO membership was next.

( @Vegvisirr )
@MissLeah91 @Nature_and_Race exactly. Same problem as with ww2. The jews are pushing for conflict and slaughter of Whites.
The problem is that one can't always give in to their aggressive puppets

( @moonsloth )
@Nature_and_Race That is because despite what White people think, Whites are NOT all equal and certainly NOT all compatible. They didn't war for thousands of years because we are all one big happy family of the same gene pool.

It is an inconvenient fact, but even though not fully compatible, they are light years more compatible than any shit skin out there. White people need their own Nations and growing room for this purpose.

Even in the Racial doctrine in 1930s Germany taught this hierarchy amongst Whites with races like slavs at the bottom and actually reffered to as "unevolved versions of Whites"

Kim Goguen/Pamela J. Zeller #crackpot #wingnut #racist #ufo #magick #conspiracy

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on December 15, 2023.
Kim told us on Wednesday about the Silent Circle, that they are figuring out they’ve been lied to and there are no bad aliens coming. Well in response to that, a small group of the inner circle of the Order of Dragon people, and not just those bearing the name Rothschild decided to knowingly lie to whoever is still listening to them. They told them they reached out and called the aliens and that it’s not going to happen the way they thought it was, meaning they aren’t coming in through the portal in Israel that they have been trying to open for over 2+months. Instead, it’s going to be a giant ship that is going to arrive here on earth and they are going to give their side help.
To further this craziness, you have some Trump operatives who are intertwined with SSP military groups and they are also trying to phone ETs in an alternative galaxy somewhere. They tried to reach out and asked them to assist them with Trump bucks. So, the conversation they want to have on first contact with said aliens is, can they assist them with Trump bucks? Now they really didn’t reach out to anybody because that line has been closed for a long time, but Kim picked up on the signal and checked into it. Since Kim is the Ambassador on behalf of this version of Humanity to the Universal Council, when these people pick up the phone and talk ridiculousness, Kim said it’s almost embarrassing to be a human at this point. But it didn’t go anywhere of course.
When you get to a high level in the world, you are aware of the fact that aliens used to come and go from the lower astral to this planet all the time. Earth is a gateway planet and they would walk amongst us looking like humans but they were not. These are the zombies in the zombie apocalypse movies, people that don’t act or look quite right and they don’t make actual decisions. They are AI driven and AI run and they existed amongst us.

Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy #fundie #wingnut

I'm thinking they're all getting big bribes from Iran. And even bigger bribes from the Mexican Drug Cartels. And the biggest bribes of all from China. They've sold us out. Et tu, Brute?

There is only one other explanation.

Could Biden (and his boss Obama) and the leadership of the Democrat Party be taking orders from the devil himself? Is this Satan's vision the Democrats are carrying out? Is Satan in charge? Are we in "end times"?

Donald Jeffries #racist #wingnut #conspiracy

If you do a search for “Caucasian” on Google images, you’ll see a few pictures of actual Caucasians, interspersed among lots of images of nonwhites. This is similar to searching for “Happy White woman.” Do it. You’ll be surprised by what images come up. Actually maybe you won’t be. This is now the expected “new normal.”

I never signed up to be a crusader for White rights. I don’t like sounding like a White Nationalist, whatever that is. But someone has to do it. Of all the giant elephants traipsing across the crumbling landscape of America 2.0, none are larger or more dutifully ignored than the Great Replacement of White people.
Now I am undeniably White. That’s a fact. “Science,” if you will. I had nothing to do with it. I didn’t will myself to be born White, any more than I willed myself to only grow to be five foot nine inches tall. None of us control our ethnicity, so it’s ridiculous for anyone to be proud of it. But conversely, it’s just as ridiculous to be ashamed of it. Can I start a “I’m White, and not proud or ashamed” mantra? But thanks to a decades long propaganda campaign which cannot be denied, the vast majority of White people alive today are ashamed. For being born the way they were. They have a collective guilt which the world has never seen before, for wrongs real, exaggerated, and imagined, committed by some Whites from previous generations.
Either race is important or it’s not. You can’t encourage one race to have absurd inflated egos about their skin color, while demeaning the skin color of another race, and punishing them if they attempt the mildest defense. Some races are not more equal than others. This isn’t Animal Farm. We should all be assessed by the content of our character, as Martin Luther King (who’d be attacked as a White Supremacist today) once said. I hate talking about race. But it’s their favorite subject. And because none of us wanted to talk about it, we stand on the brink of extinction.

Dr. Robert O. Young #conspiracy

A man who lives nine miles away from where the Norfolk Southern train derailed reached out to us to sound the alarm on the bizarre coincidences that continues to pile up.

Bob Moore, a 70-year-old farmer and longtime resident of East Palestine, Ohio initially ignored local news reports urging residents to sign up for ‘MyID’ to receive a new biometric tracking device that provides first responder updates about an individual’s health condition amid an emergency or “major disaster!”

The suspicious timing of the U.S, government’s distribution of this wireless health-monitoring digital ID, exactly a week before the horrific chemical bioweapon disaster, warrants answers from the US Government!

“It was exactly a week before the derailment happened,” Moore said. “The people were asked to go to the local fire department in downtown East Palestine to get that ‘MyID’. They began monitoring your physical activity, your heart rate, your respiration, anything you might be exposed to...It’s a wireless monitoring device.”

Moore questioned whether the train derailment amid the ongoing destruction of the US food supply and pandemic simulations are part of a governmental scheme to destroy the United States as the Biden administration continues to institute the globalist “Great Reset” agenda.

“It makes your mind wander…food factories and egg farms and these types of disasters compounding. It appears that these bracelets are a result of that or some way to monitor whether this is really just a coincidental test town or not,” he said. “The fact that the program exists indicates that somebody somewhere knows something and wants to get data. Every piece of data that the government collects, that DARPA, large corporations, and multinational corporations collect, can always be turned against the citizen. Everything is vulnerable to weaponization and the most sacred thing in any weaponizing is data.

“These IDs were designed to collect our medical data and all of us are a little anxious about the medical situation and the trust of the medical community, and elsewhere, right now. Anyone not suspicious of medicine now is a fool.”

Dennis Nappi II #ufo #magick #conspiracy

Through this work, you will find that you are not alone in your experiences – as the author delivers validation to your most fearful spiritual encounters. Food for the Archons brings to light the collective vulnerability of the human condition. However, you will come to find that when you peel back the veil, what was once your greatest weakness is actually the source of your long-forgotten power, and a beacon of hope for yourself and all mankind.
Through research, experience, and intuition, the author explores the following:

1 We live in a simulated reality that exists within multiple layers of simulations

2. We are all connected to this universe via an electromagnetic field that allows for psychic communication.

3. Due to our ignorance of this connection, we are being manipulated through this field to produce suffering, which serves as a source of energetic nourishment for an unseen parasite.

4. Knowledge of this field and our connection to it can lead us to liberation and a reduction of suffering on this planet.

This book explores the potential of human consciousness to access information beyond the 5-senses via an electromagnetic field generated by the human heart. It is through our ignorance of this field, however, that mankind's thoughts, behaviors, and emotions are being heavily influenced and manipulated. We live in a simulated reality that exists within multiple layers of simulations.

We are all connected to this universe via an electromagnetic field that allows for psychic communication, healing, and the acquisition of knowledge. Due to our ignorance of this connection, we are being manipulated through this field to produce suffering, which serves as a source of energetic nourishment for an unseen parasite. Knowledge of this field and our connection to it can lead us to liberation and a reduction of suffering on this planet.

Media cult spy #conspiracy #dunning-kruger

Jackie killed John Kennedy

Go watch the z video again

You'll see a black frame come from underneath when Jackie pulls the trigger

The black frame covers it up for a split second

So you don't see her pull the trigger

Then later when she pulls the trigger

The video goes back to normal

She killed him Infront of America

And no one knew

(Submitter’s note: Even the other GLPErs thinks he’s an idiot.)

Maoist Communist Party (Spanish State) ("Partido Comunista Maoísta (PCm) del Estado español") #moonbat #conspiracy

[From “Against the traitors, snitches and police agents in the communist movement of the USA”]

We publish an unofficial translation of the statement of the PCm published on Servir al Pueblo:

The Maoist Communist Party (Spanish State) that struggles for the reconstitution of the glorious and heroic Communist Party of Spain (PCE), fulfilling its international duty to denounce traitors and police agents, wants to denounce the webpage maoistcultexposed[…]
They publish allegedly internal documents, names and biography of alleged members of CR-CPUSA [Committee for the Reconstitution of the Communist Party of the United States], as well as alleged information on other international communist organizations[…]
It must be clear that it is not a two-line struggle or difference among communists or revolutionaries, but it is about renegades of communism that develop an anti-communist campaign, camouflaged to “prevent youth from entering into a sect”[…]
This webpage attacks the basic principles of Marxism, using the most anti-communist bourgeois academical arguments, and to make clear which band they are in, they openly reference to “anti-terrorist” counter-revolutionary organizations such as the Peruvian NGO Waynakuna[…]
All communists, revolutionaries and true democrats must reject these practices and not let themselves be fooled in any way thinking that a two-line struggle is being held or that it is about “saving youth from the cults”[…]
We express our solidarity with all communists and honest revolutionaries in the United States that are looking to overcome the ongoing situation of the Communist movement of the country

Unite under Maoism!

Struggle for the reconstitution of the Communist Party of the United States!