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Feminist Anti-Oppression Forum
Comforting the afflicted, afflicting the comfortable.
19th-Oct-2005 01:19 pm - Stacey Lannert
Barack and Michelle Obama

I heard about this case a while ago, but saw a repeat of A&E;'s "American Justice" today that featured her story. I'm trying to get as many people as possible to write to Missouri's governor on her behalf.

Some text from the site (includes possible rape and abuse triggers):
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the girl's got glass
"The Supreme Court, in an abortion case of relatively narrow scope, cleared the way Monday for a Missouri prison inmate to terminate her pregnancy...

The court fight was over [transportation] costs, estimated at $350 plus fuel for two guards to accompany the woman on the 80-mile trip from her cell in Vandalia to a St. Louis clinic.

Under a policy adopted over the summer, Missouri’s prison system does not provide transportation or security for inmates seeking abortions. State officials argued that the policy is reasonable because of the costs and security risks of transporting inmates outside for procedures the officials said are not medically necessary.
... The case is Crawford v. Roe, 05-A333"

31st-Jul-2005 07:13 pm(no subject)
Kitty Snake
Justice Dept. conducts first prison rape report...and concludes prison rape is grossly underreported.  Well gee, considering that rape is one of the most underreported crimes to begin with, the additional stigma of male rape makes this terribly unsurprising.  Yet nonetheless disturbing.

Cross posted
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