Latest News

Murder December 13, 2023: - Al Jazeera are leading their news with the execution of Palestinian civilians, including women and toddlers, inside the school in Jabalia where they were sheltering. They were all shot at point blank range, with no signs of a bomb or missile strike. On the BBC, the Daily Politics show - which consists of discussion between senior British MPs - does not discuss Palestine at all, because the British political class supports the genocide, so for them there is nothing to discuss. Also in Jabalia, the Israelis today destroyed the last remaining bakery. It is worth stating why this is plainly…
Attacking Journalists as Terrorists December 11, 2023: - We have made two formal complaints to the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, one over my incarceration for Contempt of Court, and one over continuing police harassment including the investigation for "terrorism" of which I am now the subject. In a meeting with UN staff, we promised to follow up with details of a few of the many others who have been detained, questioned and had their electronics seized under Article 7 of the Terrorism Act. In each case there was no suggestion of any kind - including by the Police - that they have any connection to terrorism.…
Still Throwing Punches December 10, 2023: - Obviously fighting against the crushing power of the state is hard work, but we can still land a few (metaphorical) blows. This is one of the most feisty letters from a lawyer you will ever see, directly confronting Police Scotland over responsibility for the hacking of my Twitter account. I am quite sure the contents of my phone and laptop were shared with UK intelligence services, and very probably with other intelligence services as well. Which one hacked my Twitter account we may never know, but the responsibility lies with Police Scotland who seized my devices and initially downloaded the…
Stopping Genocide December 7, 2023: - Every single state in the world has a positive duty to intervene to prevent the Genocide in Gaza now, not after a court has reached a determination of genocide. This is made crystal clear in para 431 of the International Court of Justice judgment in Bosnia vs Serbia: This obviously does not mean that the obligation to prevent genocide only comes into being when perpetration of genocide commences ; that would be absurd, since the whole point of the obligation is to prevent, or attempt to prevent, the occurrence of the act. In fact, a State’s obligation to prevent, and…
Dystopia December 3, 2023: - Yesterday I scanned the MSM news. The UK openly boasted of running aerial surveillance over Gaza to identify targets for Israel, and it was revealed the USA has provided over 12,000 bombs and 57,000 shells to Israel. Israel killed over 300 more civilians, including over 100 more dead children. At the same time, Kamala Harris had been sobered up long enough to make a speech claiming that the US wished Israel to avoid casualties, in a desperate attempt to mask the blood on the hands of Genocide Joe. I read that Germany is in budget crisis. I looked thorugh numerous…
The Twitter Hack November 29, 2023: - The hack of my X Twitter account was definitely intended to reduce my reach on Palestine, it took place while the security services have possession of my electronics and access to my account, and it involved either complicity by Twitter or a security service backdoor. I have now had to involve lawyers and prepare for legal action against X to get my Twitter account back. It took me 15 years to build up 138,000 followers despite continual suppression and shadow banning. Some of my individual tweets on Palestine were gaining over 10,000 likes. Subscriptions to this blog were increasing. I…
Banned Books November 27, 2023: - At Saturday's great march in support of Palestine in London, police arrested members of the Communist Party of Great Britain Marxist-Leninist (CPGBML) for having a pamphlet on sale on their stall. The "illegal" pamphlet is entitled Zionism: A Racist, Anti-Semitic and Reactionary Tool of Imperialism. Just what is illegal about it, I do not know. The authorship is ascribed to the CPGBML. I have looked through it and it is scrupulous in distinguishing between zionism and judaism. Criticism of Israel and of the zionist movement is not anti-semitic. I suspect what may have upset the authorities are the passages on…
No Ceasefire in the Propaganda War November 24, 2023: - I have had BBC News on in the background for the last two hours. In that time there have been three lengthy interviews with different relatives of Israeli hostages held by Hamas. There has not been a single interview with a Palestinian relative of a Palestinian prisoner held by Israel. Today 13 Israeli prisoners and 39 Palestinian prisoners are due to be released. 90% of the BBC mentions of prisoner releases do not include the Palestinians at all. Just finished is a ten minute interview of a Professor in Kent on the psychological effects on Israeli hostages. Earlier there was…
The Supreme Court, Rwanda and Assange November 20, 2023: - The judgment of the Supreme Court on the illegality of deportation of asylum seekers to Rwanda was given massive publicity in connection with the sacking of Suella Braverman, but in fact it is a decision of much wider significance. It also has great relevance to the coming High Court hearing on Julian Assange, both in terms of the arguments, some of which are common to both cases, and the stance of the judges, some of whom are also common to both cases. Let me start with the point on which the Supreme Court decision turned - whether or not the…
Palestine Can Reunite and Reinvigorate Scottish Independence November 16, 2023: - The UK government is actively complicit in genocide in Gaza - indeed with its supply of weapons to Israel, provision of communications intelligence and aerial surveillance and participation of UK special services, I would argue it is more than complicit. The UK government is a part of committing genocide in Gaza. This is vile to many people in the UK, but it is especially anathema to a large majority of people in Scotland. This YouGov survey of November 2 shows that a strong majority of people in Scotland say that their sympathies lie on the Palestinian side, whereas both in…
Activating the Genocide Convention November 13, 2023: - There are 149 states party to the Genocide Convention. Every one of them has the right to call out the genocide in progress in Gaza and report it to the United Nations. In the event that another state party disputes the claim of genocide - and Israel, the United States and the United Kingdom are all states party - then the International Court of Justice is required to adjudicate on "the responsibility of a State for genocide". These are the relevant articles of the genocide convention: Article VIII Any Contracting Party may call upon the competent organs of the United…
Fighting Back Against the State November 11, 2023: - It may seem hopeless, but we have to continue to hold back the tide of fascism with all our might. This letter is self-explanatory, and I think its staid legal argument brings out the absurdity of deeming me a terrorist danger to the UK. I honestly believe that I am fighting not for myself - my life is turned upside down - but for important principles. For freedom of speech and the right of the public to information, as exemplified in the case of Julian Assange. For universal human rights, as exemplified by the struggle of the Palestinians. For the…
The Curious Hacking of @craigmurrayorg November 10, 2023: - This post may generate a tweet on @matthuag (which the hacked @craigmurrayorg has been renamed) because the autoposting programme interacts differently with Twitter (called a Twitter API). When my account was hacked yesterday the hacker changed the password, email address, telephone number and username. They quickly tweeted out a post in praise of Hitler in my original username before changing it, which indicates that the primary motivation was defamation. They then subsequently changed the user id to @MattHuag, apparently to create an account stealing the identity of @MattHuang, which seems like a ruse to disguise the motivation. But here is…
Twitter Account Hacked November 9, 2023: - My twitter account has been hacked.
The Right of Self-Defence November 5, 2023: - Israel does have the right of self-defence, but only in precisely the same way other countries do. In fact, the only unique factor about Israel here is that it is the only country to have been found by the International Court of Justice specifically to have abused and exceeded the concept of right of self-defence, in its treatment of the Palestinians. In 2004 the International Court of Justice, in an advisory Opinion to the UN General Assembly, ruled illegal Israel's construction of its great Wall, which is a fundamental part of the Israeli Apartheid system. The court considered Israel's argument…
“A Textbook Case of Genocide”. November 1, 2023: - The resignation letter of Craig Mokhiber, Director of the New York Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, has gone viral on social media but most posts only show page one. Here is the full four page letter. This needs no gloss from me. Craig is one of the world's leading international lawyers. I am writing this in Geneva where I am tomorrow meeting UN officials to pursue my own case: both my unprecedented in modern times jailing for contempt of court, and the current surreal persecution under the terrorism act. I shall also be raising the case…
Zionism Is Bullshit October 30, 2023: - In 2009 I spoke to a demonstration of 300,000 in London against another Israeli massacre in Gaza, which coincidentally killed just over 1400 people, the same number claimed killed during the recent Hamas attacks. Strangely Western politicians did not shout out about Palestine's right to self-defence. A lesson for those who think history began on 7 October 2023. I am rather proud of this speech. Sadly, every word applicable today. ------------------------------------------------ Forgive me for pointing out that my ability to provide this coverage is entirely dependent on your kind voluntary subscriptions which keep this blog going. This post is free…
Cold Blooded Killers and their Cheerleaders October 28, 2023: - The Guardian's main headline today is the Israeli propaganda framing of last night's huge massacre. The Zionist grip on the political and media class is stark. Ordinary citizens are left with feelings ranging from rage to deep sorrow, but with a feeling of helplessness at having no power and no genuine voice in the country where they live. The bought-and-paid-for politicians intone "Israel's right to self-defence" as justifying the slaughter of any number of Palestinian children. They pretend they do not see the obvious genocide which is happening before their eyes. The Guardian's framing of the death of hundreds, probably…
Fighting the British Police State – Somebody Has To October 27, 2023: - I didn't really volunteer to fight the British police state, it came after me. But here we are, and here I am, in Switzerland, seeking the protection of the United Nations. I still don't actually know whether the terrorism investigation into me is focused on Palestine or on Wikileaks. It seems to be both and anything else they can get. My legal team is now active in Scotland seeking some kind of clarification and explanation, which will probably require a judicial review. My experience of British airports being discouraging recently, I went by public transport from Edinburgh to Belfast. Arriving…
Incredibly, I Face Investigation for Terrorism – Defence Funds Appeal October 24, 2023: - My phone is not being returned to me by police as, astonishingly, I am now formally under investigation for terrorism. Whether this relates to support for Palestine or for Wikileaks has currently not been made clear. What follows is, unspun and unvarnished, my account of my interview under Schedule 7 of the Terrorism Act as given to my lawyers: I arrived from Keflavik airport, Iceland to Glasgow airport at about 10am on Monday 16 October. After passport control I was stopped by three police officers, two male and one female, who asked me to accompany them to a detention room.…

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