View & edit device information

You can enter, view, and change identifying information for a device in the Google Admin console. This information includes such name, asset ID, custom location, and notes for a device.

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View or save device information

You can view device history, diagnostic results, and connected peripherals. You also have the option to save a list of your devices.

See information for a device
  1. Sign in to your Google Admin console.

    Sign in using your administrator account (does not end in

  2. Go to Menu ""and then"" Devicesand thenGoogle Meet hardwareand thenDevices.
  3. Choose an option:
  4. Click the Device information section to expand it.
    This information appears:
    • Model
    • Serial number
    • Google Chrome version
    • Wi-Fi MAC address
    • Ethernet MAC address
    • Enrollment date
    • Platform version
    • Firmware version
    • TPM firmware version
    • Boot mode
    • Device ID
    • Display power saving
    • Name
    • Asset ID
    • Custom location
    • Notes
    • Autozoom
    • Software audio processing
    • Personal calendar
    • Building name
    • Floor
    • Connected peripherals
    • Diagnostics
  5. In the Connected peripherals section, click View History.
    A list of recent peripheral connection events appears.
  6. In the Diagnostics section, see the results for recent diagnostic tests.
Download a list of devices

As an admin, you can export a list of your devices to Google Sheets or download the list as a CSV file. You might need a spreadsheet of devices for inventory counts or troubleshooting. The list contains values such as the device name, status, connected peripherals, OS version, and IP address.

  1. Sign in to your Google Admin console.

    Sign in using your administrator account (does not end in

  2. Go to Menu ""and then"" Devicesand thenGoogle Meet hardwareand thenDevices.
  3. In the Devices pane, click Download ""

  4. Choose if you want to export the list to Google Sheets or download a CSV.

  5. Click Download.
    A link appears in the top right, under Tasks "".

  6. Click the link to get the list.

Name Description
adminConsoleUrl Direct URL to the device page in Google Admin console
deviceId Device ID
deviceName Device name
status Provisioning status
orgUnitPath Organizational unit
model Hardware model
serialNumber Serial number
lastEnrollmentTime Enrollment or deprovision date and time
annotatedAssetId Custom field: Asset ID
annotatedUser Custom field: User
note Custom field: Note
annotatedLocation Custom field: Location
assignedCalendarResourceEmail Email address of assigned calendar resource
assignedCalendarGeneratedResourceName Name of assigned calendar resource
assignedRoomResourceName Room name of assigned calendar resource
assignedRoomBuilding Building name of assigned calendar resource
assignedRoomFloor Floor of assigned calendar resource
lastPeripheralReport Date and time of latest peripheral report
connectedCameras Connected cameras*
connectedSpeakers Connected speakers*
connectedMicrophones Connected microphones*
connectedTouchScreens Connected touchscreens*
defaultCamera Default camera
defaultSpeaker Default speaker
defaultMicrophone Default microphone
osVersion Chrome OS version
bootMode Boot mode
platformVersion Platform version
firmwareVersion Firmware version
wifiMacAddress Wi-Fi MAC address
ethernetMacAddress Ethernet MAC address
lastSync Last synchronized with policy settings
selectedCamera Selected camera
selectedSpeaker Selected speaker
selectedMicrophone Selected microphone
ipAddresses Active IP addresses

* Contains a JSON-encoded list of strings.

Edit information for a device

You can update the name, asset ID, custom location, and notes for a device. You can also turn Auto zoom on or off.

Enter identifying information about your device
  1. Sign in to your Google Admin console.

    Sign in using your administrator account (does not end in

  2. Go to Menu ""and then"" Devicesand thenGoogle Meet hardwareand thenDevices.
  3. Choose an option:
  4. Click the Device settings section to expand it.
  5. Click Edit "".
  6. Enter the information you want in the NameAsset ID, UserCustom location, and Notes fields.
  7. (Optional) Turn Auto zoom On "" or Off "".
  8. (Optional) Update device information:
    • To change device settings, click Device settings.
    • To assign or update a calendar assignment, click Calendar assignment.
    • To default to a peripheral, in the Connected peripherals list, point at a peripheral and click Set As Default
    • To manually schedule a new test, click Run Diagnostics Now.
Name your device
During enrollment, devices appear as Unnamed device in the device list. You can change this to a descriptive name that makes it easier to identify the device.
  1. Sign in to your Google Admin console.

    Sign in using your administrator account (does not end in

  2. Go to Menu ""and then"" Devicesand thenGoogle Meet hardwareand thenDevices.
  3. Click the device that you want to rename.
  4. Click the Device settings section to expand it.
  5. Click Edit "".
  6. Enter the new name.
  7. Click Save.
Tip: Changing the calendar resource assigned to a device lets you automatically rename the device. Match the device and calendar resource names to make it easier to identify which resource goes with which device. 

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