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We can change the world when we change our approach to technology.


Meet other people who want to put technology to work for social change by joining our vibrant, inclusive nonprofit community.

Get connected


Take charge of your professional development with our courses, certificates, cohorts, publications, and blog.

Start learning


Raise your voice and take action to advance the skillful and equitable use of technology.

Create change

Get the Equity Guide for Nonprofit Technology

Nonprofit technology is marked by inequities within our organizations and our sector that must be dismantled if we want to address our communities’ needs permanently. Whether you’re a user, builder, or funder, you have a responsibility to ensure the equitable use of technology.

Download the guide (PDF)Learn about the guide


Meet other people who want to put technology to work for social change by joining our vibrant, inclusive nonprofit community.

Online groups

Ask questions, give advice, and share resources about all things nonprofit technology.
Go to the groups
Recent discussions
More ways to connect

Job board

Find your next full-time job or short-term opportunity at a nonprofit or other organization using technology for social change.

Browse jobs


Get to know people and organizations making exceptional contributions to the nonprofit sector, technology, and our community.

Get inspired


Guide our planning and decision-making by serving on one of our committees on accessibility, equity, programs, and more.

Learn about our committees

Become a member

Being an NTEN member is a way to invest in your professional development and uplift our world-changing work. Members get discounts and more.

Learn about membership


Take charge of your professional development with our courses, certificates, cohorts, publications, and blog.

Courses starting soon

The pandemic accelerated society’s dependence on the digital economy. Learn how your nonprofit can address digital divides in this online course.

Upcoming course

January 9, 2024

Data privacy is changing the ways nonprofits raise mission-critical funds. Learn how to collect and use data while respecting privacy in this online course.

Upcoming courses

January 10, 2024

August 13, 2024

Stories can be a driving force of change. Explore how to tell stories that are mindful of power, privilege, and representation in this online course.

Upcoming courses

January 17, 2024

July 10, 2024

Before you share your technology plan with your nonprofit colleagues, learn how to create an inclusive roadmap of your vision in this online course.

Upcoming courses

January 23, 2024

July 9, 2024

More ways to learn

Nonprofit Tech Readiness

These six-month cohorts give you an opportunity to ramp up your technology leadership and planning skills.

Learn about Nonprofit Tech Readiness

Professional certificates

Boost your career by earning a professional certificate that builds your skills and demonstrates your nonprofit tech know-how.

Learn about certificates


If finances are tight, apply for a scholarship for an individual course or professional certificates. Availability limited.

Learn about scholarships
BlogRecent posts


Raise your voice and take action to advance the skillful and equitable use of technology.

Commit to tech equity

Take the Equity in Nonprofit Technology pledge

Pledge to use the Equity Guide in your work and help demonstrate the growing movement of practitioners who are prioritizing equity in technology use, funding, and creation.

Take the pledge
More ways to create change

Tech Accelerate

Use this free tool to measure your nonprofit’s technology practices and policies to better meet your mission.

Get started with Tech Accelerate

Equity Guide

Start dismantling inequities by addressing the use, creation, and funding of nonprofit technology.

Explore the guide

The Pizzigati Prize

Celebrate software developers who create open source apps and tools that nonprofit and advocacy groups can put to good use.

Learn about the prize

Thank you to our partners!

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P.O. Box 86308
Portland, OR 97286-0308
+1 503-272-8800

© 2023 NTEN