
Save the Date!

Monthly letter-writing

We host prisoner letter-writing events, usually on the fourth Monday of every month, at 6:30pm either online using Jitsi or in person at Iffy Books .

Keep me in the loop!

Monday December 4th: Reportback Mailing and Card-writing

Monday December 4th: Reportback Mailing and Card-writing
In lieu of our usual monthly letter-writing event, we will be mailing printed copies of our 2023 Running Down The Walls reportback to the political prisoners and prison rebels who participated from behind the walls, and to the 15 political prisoners supported by the ABCF Warchest. Join us this Monday at 6:30pm, at Iffy Books (319 N. 11th St. #2I) as we package and mail the reportbacks. Snacks and supplies are provided. [Read More]

Running Down The Walls 2023 Reportback

Running Down The Walls 2023 Reportback
We’re pleased to report the success from the sixth annual Philadelphia Running Down The Walls in support of political prisoners and prisoners of war, and the movement to #StopCopCity. Before we go any further, we'd like to give the biggest shout out to the prisoners that participated from inside the walls. The inside-to-outside participation is one of the most important parts of this yearly event. Our inside participants this year included: Jerome Coffey, Mumia Abu-Jamal, Paul Kali Hickman, John Bramble, and Beans (Abednego Baynes). [Read More]

Monday, August 28th: Black August Letter-writing

Monday, August 28th: Black August Letter-writing
In August 1979, the first official Black August took place when incarcerated people came together to commemorate the deaths of brothers Jonathan and George Jackson, who were killed after the Marin County Courthouse Rebellion (Jonathan in August 1970 and George in August 1971). Prisoners in San Quentin started this tradition of daily exercises to sharpen their minds, bodies, and spirits in honor of the collective principles of self-sacrifice, inner fortitude and revolutionary discipline needed to advance the New Afrikan struggle for self-determination and freedom. [Read More]

Saturday, May 20th: Letter-writing for Edward Poindexter

Saturday, May 20th: Letter-writing for Edward Poindexter
Join us and MXGM Philly for a joint virtual letter-writing event on Saturday, May 20th at 4pm. We’ll be writing cards for political prisoner Ed Poindexter and addressing his urgent medical release campaign. Ed Poindexter was sentenced to life in prison, along with his former co-defendant Wopashitwe Mondo Eyen we Langa who died in prison due to medical neglect, allegedly for murder of an Omaha cop when a suitcase containing dynamite exploded in a North Omaha home on August 17, 1970. [Read More]

Monday, March 27th: Letter-writing for Urooj Rahman

Monday, March 27th: Letter-writing for Urooj Rahman
Join us at Iffy Books (319 N. 11th St. #2I) at 6:30pm on Monday, March 27th to send letters of solidarity to Urooj Rahman, a human rights lawyer and activist arrested during the protests in response to the murder of George Floyd. Urooj has spent her legal career protecting the rights of refugees around the world. She spent the last year representing low income New Yorkers facing eviction. She received both her undergraduate degree and law degree from Fordham University where she championed, and continues to champion, civil rights. [Read More]