Tendance Coatesy

Left Socialist Blog

Jeremy Corbyn to stand as Independent in Islington North.

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This is desperately sad


It is not to grasp the former Labour leader’s reasons. He has been treated shabbily.Apart from not agreeing with the decision to stand one thing that will put people off will be the virulent anti Labour stand of some of those who will now present themselves in the election campaign.

The anti Labour deserve better campaign which also advocates backing the non socialist Green Party and a variety of independents, often eccentrics, is one of the more temperate of them.


Written by Andrew Coates

May 24, 2024 at 11:10 am

John McDonnell. A labour movement agenda for a Labour government.

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It is no secret that the Tendance is close to McDonnell ‘s politics.

Written by Andrew Coates

May 21, 2024 at 5:27 pm

Iran after the death of Ebrahim Raisi.

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Written by Andrew Coates

May 20, 2024 at 10:12 am

Statement on the 2013 crisis in the SWP.

with 5 comments

Saw this in a number of places and initially thought, surely not!

This judgement is well true, it’s not been forgotten


Written by Andrew Coates

May 18, 2024 at 9:52 am

Posted in SWP, Trotskyism

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Ukraine, City under siege.

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Chartist magazine and the EB are committed to the cause of Ukraine.

The present Blog TC specialises in western European politics, above all France, Spain and Germany. It is preferable to repost others on this defining war.


Written by Andrew Coates

May 15, 2024 at 10:32 am

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Julie Ward on Israel and Gaza.

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Former MEP Julie Ward is a committed internationalist deeply involved in solidarity with Ukraine. Her words carry weight.


Written by Andrew Coates

May 13, 2024 at 10:13 am

Chartist on the Labour Party.

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As a Chartist supporter I agree with this. There are obviously things to add after the most recent Tory defection. I did not expect my old Pabloite comrade to be left wing but his recent moves are not attractive.

Written by Andrew Coates

May 10, 2024 at 6:19 pm

Israel’s assault on Gaza. How should the left react?

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The AWL have a thought out stand on this which should be read not shouted down.

Written by Andrew Coates

May 9, 2024 at 5:38 pm

Galloway fails to get his Front going.

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Written by Andrew Coates

May 6, 2024 at 11:36 am

Ukraine updates.

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Written by Andrew Coates

April 29, 2024 at 6:03 pm

Suffolk’s leading conservative intellectual, and Reform stalwart on Dan Poulter joining Labour.

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This is too funny to ignore. The chaps at Kev’s Golf Club are spluttering into their pink gins. Tomorrow’s pheasant shoot will be lively!

Written by Andrew Coates

April 27, 2024 at 7:55 pm

Jim on Gideon Falter.

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Jim and his comrades in Solidarity are amongst those on the left who’ve kept their nerve during the recent Gaza crisis. While condemning Israel’s atrocities and attending protests against them they have not witheld their criticisms of the Islamists of Hamas. The Tendance approaches these issues through the lens of First International Marxism and the universalist humanism of Jean Jaurès rather than Trotskyism.i

In the Falter affair most people would have found it stretching credulity that the man just happened to be in Aldwych, an area dead at weekends, just to begin with.

Jim cited I note with interest CPB leading figure, a fellow North Londoner (she even knew my Primary School) who has opposed the Morning Star line on such issues. Meeting her once she expressed views on Galloway not far off the Tendance’s.

Written by Andrew Coates

April 24, 2024 at 5:42 pm

Galloway’s Workers Party of Britain to stand against John McDonnell.

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Brown Workers Party of Britain to stand against leading left winger in next election.



It seems all Labour MPs are targets for this brown brown front.

it will interesting to see how Galloway’s admirers in the Morning Star and TUSC react to this.

Written by Andrew Coates

April 23, 2024 at 4:00 pm

Galloway plumbs new depths.

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Did you ever in your puff see such a frightful perisher as Galloway and his green and brown shorts ?

gshttps://x.com/paulwaugh/status/1782147992553697562 use

Galloway and the Lib Dems, a merry tale

Galloway recruits Tory


and more


Written by Andrew Coates

April 21, 2024 at 8:44 pm

Farage, Braverman and …Eric Zemmour.

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There are lots of reports on the, ‘cancelled’, National Conservative meeting in Brussels. Coverage in the UK has focused on the one time Brexit Party leader and the one time British Home Secretary. French language articles in Belgium have focused on the way the Brussels had decided to call a halt to this ‘anti globalist’ spectacle, backed Hungary’s Viktor Obran and wealthy US hard rightists.

In France the presence of the far right leader, former French Presidential candidate and chief of Reconquête, Éric Zemmour, has drawn attention. It is hard to overemphasise how extreme Zemmour is – and I have read a number of his books starting with Le suicide Français.

Reliable sources indicate an important Spiked Living Marxism role in organising the event.



Written by Andrew Coates

April 17, 2024 at 10:55 am

A Century of Labour. John Cruddas.

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An important review by a comrade who really knows his labour movement history. The critical comments on what is known as ‘communiarian’ philosophy, no more in fashion than Blue Labour, are also well targeted.

This does not detract from the author’s strengths.

John Cruddas has had a long and fruitful dialogue with the democratic socialist left.

Written by Andrew Coates

April 13, 2024 at 5:21 pm

Gaza, Ukraine and the left.

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Oakland Socialist is US blog which has gained an audience outside of America.Its views are often similar to the European internationalist left. It is always worth reading.

Written by Andrew Coates

April 10, 2024 at 6:33 pm

Posted in Communism, Human Rights, Left, Ukraine, War

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On Ukraine, from Shiraz.

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An important article that should be widely read and shared.

Written by Andrew Coates

April 8, 2024 at 11:23 am

Posted in European Left, Imperialism, Ukraine

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Rochdale. Galloway’s gang standing far right candidate.

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Big shot Galloway is standing 13 candidates, (20 are up for the vote) in the Rochdale local elections this May. His old muckers from TUSC have helpfully not put any up there.This is their top man.


The Red Brown Front.



Written by Andrew Coates

April 7, 2024 at 11:32 am

Labour and the Greens.

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In East Anglia the Green Party is a force in many District councils . They control Mid Suffolk. They are not noticably left wing and will tell anybody who asks, eg me, they are not socialist. Polls published in East Anglian Bylines indicate they will not have a breakthrough in the General Election, even their Waveney target seat.

One can agree with them on some issues, here on the new Sizewell C nuclear plant which apart from energy issues will destroy an area of great beauty, without supporting them.

This is part of a wider debate.

Written by Andrew Coates

April 3, 2024 at 12:42 pm

Tom Hunt Ipswich Tory MP.

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Hunt stickers all around here

Tom Hunt far right apologist.


Written by Andrew Coates

April 1, 2024 at 3:07 pm

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An Easter message from East Anglia’s leading Conservative intellectual, ex-Tory and new Reform stalwart.

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Written by Andrew Coates

March 28, 2024 at 6:20 pm

Posted in Anti-Fascism, Britain

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Owen Jones. From Jim.

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Good analysis. Owen has suffered so much abuse I have not posted. But he politically is going nowhere.

Written by Andrew Coates

March 26, 2024 at 5:59 pm

Normalisation of evil, on Putin.

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Written by Andrew Coates

March 20, 2024 at 12:17 pm

Posted in Anti-Fascism, Anti-Semitism

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Stand with Diane Abbott.

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Important. Her treatment is intolerable.

Written by Andrew Coates

March 16, 2024 at 2:21 pm

Woodbridge toff Kev leaves Tories and joins far right Reform UK.

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The East Anglian political scene is still under the shock. Top Suffolk Tory joins far party.

Written by Andrew Coates

March 14, 2024 at 1:25 pm

Poverty and repression. Chartist.

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Essential reading. Prem Sikka.

Written by Andrew Coates

March 13, 2024 at 12:45 pm

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Armed Road, Only Road – IMG (1970s).

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Watching Trevor Phillips on the telly this morning brought back some happy memories of his student union days. He was the leader in London, later nationally, of the NUS, of an alliance between Labour students and the Communist Party. The Broad Left, who believe it or not tried to recruit me at one point at Warwick, were not fond of the faction I was I was a member of, the International Marxist Group but obviously made exceptions for outstanding cadres.

Around that time one of our favourite IMG chants at demos was Armed road, only road. One solution armed Revolution!

We would be top of the Prevent list.

These days a few former IMG members in the former left wing New Left Review are British to the core

Not most of us I hasten to add.

IMG IMG fear and the dread of the whole bourgeoise.


Written by Andrew Coates

March 10, 2024 at 12:22 pm

Posted in Left, Marxism

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From the archives.George Galloway goes Red-Brown and backs Farage’s Brexit Party.

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Galloway Goes Red-Brown.

The Red-Brown alliance develops, George Galloway is to back Nigel Farage’s Brexit Party for the Euro-elections.

Following the lead of former rivals, the ex-Revolutionary Communist Party/Spiked/Institute of Ideas now supporters of National Populism,..(1)

Yesterday Galloway has tweeted his backing for Farage added, (1)

The Herald had just reported,

Socialist George Galloway under fire for backing Nigel Farage’s Brexit Party in EU elections

He also predicted that Farage’s party would win “at least 50% of the vote”, saying: “Count on it. The working class in the north are on the move.”

When being criticised for supporting Farage he told one critic: “So Farage is Hitler? How stupid can you get.”

In response to criticism Galloway has tweeted,

The seriousness of this much-welcomed support can be seen here:

We confidently predict that this red-brown alliance will receive more support.

As Jim says,

It appears he is not on his own. Chelley Ryan is a Corbyn cultist and a prolific tweeter and Facebook poster who has also posted for Red Labour and writes for the Morning Star. She has tweeted in support of the Brexit Party.

There have been others on social media.

Is this just Stalinist fraying at the edges or is there more to it?

UPDATE: from far-right Daily Express.

Brexit REBELLION: Left-wingers follow Galloway to back Nigel Farage’s surging Brexit Party

THE Labour EU elections list is so remain heavy left-wing Brexiteers are throwing their lot in with Nigel Farage, including George Galloway.

Fellow left-wing Brexiteers also promised to vote for their former political enemy Nigel Farage.

Simon Middleton said: “I totally agree with you Mr Galloway. Next month’s elections are about Brexit, pure and simple.

“I am from a Socialist background and I will be voting for Nigel Farage aand the new  Brexit Party “



  1. Perhaps this tiff is forgiven now….”In an article in The Australian newspaper, 15th January 2009, ‘Critics of Israel giving voice to anti-Semitism’,  I stated that George Galloway, British MP for the Respect party, had called for a boycott of ‘Israel’s shops’ and that this meant that he was calling in practice for a boycott of Jewish shops. This was incorrect and I now understand that he was calling for a boycott of ‘Israel’ shops which is a mobile retailer operating in shopping malls and who sell Israeli goods and was not referring to ‘Israel’s shops’. I apologise to Mr Galloway for the mistake, and I withdraw the suggestion made in my article that he was showing or encouraging anti-Semitism in calling for this boycott.
    Frank Furedi, 9 February 2009″.

Written by Andrew Coates

April 18, 2019 at 11:50 am

German Green Party in Major Crisis.

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The Guardian reports:

Leaders of Germany’s Greens resign after state election defeats

Ricarda Lang and Omid Nouripour, joint leaders since 2022, said on Wednesday that the environmental party, a trailblazer in Europe and the first to have MPs elected to a national parliament, faced its deepest crisis in a decade after the result of the Brandenburg state election on Sunday.

“It is time to lay our beloved party’s fate in others’ hands,” said Nouripour.

The surprise announcement comes at a time when Germany’s political landscape has been shaken by the rise of the far-right Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) and the unexpected success of a fledgling populist leftist-conservative party, the Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance (BSW).

Background: Patrick Moreau. The emergence of a conservative left in Germany: the Sahra Wagenknecht alliance – reason and justice (BSW)

Sahra Wagenknecht defends left-wing positions on the economy, but her right-wing authoritarian cultural preferences (rejection of immigration, Woke culture, etc.) place her in a unique and unoccupied space in German politics. She could rally voters from the left as well as the right around her project, including activists that are anti-Vax, pro-Putin, anti-immigration, anti-Woke and prone to authoritarianism.

The Guardian puts forward these causes for their crisis:

The German Greens have been accused of losing their way, in particular since entering the federal government. Having to deal with the realpolitik of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, with its resulting energy crisis, has forced the party into making decisions that appeared to go against its ideals.

In the recent election campaigns, it often appeared to be the punchbag for parties across the spectrum. Accusations were rife that the party was trying to “dictate” the lives of ordinary Germans – from which type of heating system to use, to which car to drive – with the BSW and AfD going so far as to compare the Greens to the Communist regime of the former German Democratic Republic.”


That has obvious echoes of the anti-Woke right in the UK and elsewhere,. Sarah Wagenknecht wrote a whole book on the theme: Die Selbstgerechten. Mein Gegenprogramm – für Gemeinsinn und Zusammenhalt ist ein Buch von Sahra Wagenknecht, das am 14. April 2021.


“The party has also lost a larger proportion of its younger voters at recent elections than any other party. In Sunday’s Brandenburg poll, for instance, it saw its support in the 16-to-24 age bracket drop by 24 percentage points, a bigger fall than in any other age range. “

Note this: youth leaders resign from the party.

There is also a major story on this in Le Monde this morning:

En Allemagne, la direction des Verts démissionne en bloc à la suite d’une série de revers électoraux.


Written by Andrew Coates

September 26, 2024 at 10:31 am

Labour Conferences votes against cut to Winter Fuel Allowance.

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Welcome. But as a Pensioner, on Pension Credit (for those with low rates of pension with small savings) who is not affected by the cut I am more concerned about the rise in fuel prices. My monthly bill has gone up, in the last few years, from between £30 to0 £40 a month to up to (at its highest) £160.

I also note that those on Universal Credit (for the unemployed, those on a very low income, and people unable to work) get a lot less than the State Pension. Single, over 25 £393,45 a month. State Pension, £221,20 a week.

There is no furore about the very low incomes those out of work get.

While this is a Conference vote, not binding on the Parliamentary Party let alone the government, its effect indicates the importance of being Labour members and not part of the confetti of groups outside it.

Written by Andrew Coates

September 25, 2024 at 3:27 pm

David Miller Goes Far Right ‘Mankind Quarterly’.

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People were quick to point this out:

Richard Lynn is one of the most unapologetic and raw “scientific” racists operating today, arguing, among other things, that nations with high average IQs must subjugate or eliminate lower-IQ groups, which he associates with particular racial groups, in order to preserve their dominance.” Southern Law Poverty Center.

Lynn died in 2023.

This is the journal he presided over, Mankind Quarterly.

When Miller was booted out of his academic job at Bristol University there were petitions signed by many self-identifying left-wingers defending him. The case came to an Employment Tribunal this year. Not for the first time Socialist Worker came down on the wrong side, “David Miller verdict is a victory for anti-Zionists.”

Anti-Zionist academic David Miller’s landmark victory at an employment tribunal against the University of Bristol should be warmly welcomed.

It strengthens pro-Palestine people at work against bullying bosses and intimidating managers.

The tribunal said Miller was unfairly and wrongfully dismissed. He successfully claimed discrimination based on his philosophical belief that Zionism is inherently racist, imperialist, and colonial.

This judgment establishes for the first time that legally anti-Zionist beliefs are protected in the workplace.”

Written by Andrew Coates

September 24, 2024 at 3:54 pm

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