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G.NA, Lizzy, Sohyun, and Youngji team up as 'Hitmaker's' first project girl group by Haydenstarin koreanvariety

[–]khandiments 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Maybe the boys choose since it says 1-6 are the boys episodes, then 6-12 are the girls episodes.. and I'm assuming episode 6 has both the groups... so maybe its like... alright, let's get some female idols?

I mean, I'm not saying it happened but in season 1, SungJae suggest Vixx, not sure if that was just on the PD and the writers, or if he actually suggested their members.

And yeah. I mean, I actually do doubt it because if that's the case, it'd mean Jackson picked Young Ji rather then a female (Jimin?) from his own company.

But oh, how I wish that were the case.

Free Full Size Body Wash [CVS coupon; Valid until Dec 31st] by banned_accountsin freebies

[–]khandiments 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Haha my zipcode worked fine, I was going to provide them with mine since I live in FL and it worked.

[ENG SUB] HITMAKER Season 2 EP 1 by juhli_ain koreanvariety

[–]khandiments 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Haha, it's in the original link I posted. The person just didn't separate them, it wasn't just one long link for the first one episode haha,

Also the uploader leaves the link to the next one in the comment section. You can't find it without the link on YouTube because it is unlisted to avoid copyright issues.

Here's the link to part 1

Here's the link to part 2

Here's the link to part 3

What I watch when I need to remember why I travel by surfsleuthin solotravel

[–]khandiments 2 points3 points  (0 children)

This was wonderful, I'll be sure to watch the rest of the episodes later.

2014 SBS Gayo Daejun Performances by BoBeepBoopin kpop

[–]khandiments 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I think a handful of idols played that song Call You Mine or did covers of it, Jun.K introduced it in that one show called some shit like Romantic Idol, I also saw a cover of some EXO members singing it; I think it was Kris and Lay? And JooYoung sang it in the show Singer Game. His cover was my favorite, haha.

I actually used to watch covers that Jeff Bernat put out a couple years ago, 'cause I used to follow this youtuber named Kat Badar and she's had collabs with him of singing.

He is actually a really good singer, haha. But that live performance REALLY didn't show it.

I follow him on social media too, he's done concerts in Korea and shit, so yeah. I'd reckon he's got a bit of a buzz over there.

Anyone horrible with remembering names can relate by OnAPartyRockin AdviceAnimals

[–]khandiments 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I always confuse people's names, like they'll tell me their name when I meet them and then I'll think it's something completely different for the longest time.

I met another new girl when I started going to a new HS and for some reason, I thought her name was Julia.

I didn't talk to her after initially meeting her until the next year.

When I met her in one of my classes, I said to her, "You know... for some reason I always remembered that your name is Julia." And she was like, "Lul wat. My name is Lily."

We ended up becoming really good friends and despite the countless hours we spent together, I still accidentally call her Julia from time to time. I don't even know a Julia.

A long time ago my username got called out in a Korean variety show (Studio-C) and the question was asked to Super Junior though the translation was completely manipulated. by srkambbs1in kpop

[–]khandiments 8 points9 points  (0 children)

Oh my god, it's brilliant lmao. was that Shorty from Dream Team who said, "You know impression means first kiss in English?" Lmao.

What are some things that make you cringe involving Runescape? by AnimatedAnixain runescape

[–]khandiments 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Better said then done. As a teenage girl who cares a lot about others opinions, haha.

Just kidding-ish, I mean like I said, when I told some of my friends in high school two years ago they didn't care at all or say anything about it.

I mean it hasn't stopped me for playing, but it's just embarrassing? It's not like it's a secret, if my friends know, they know.

But I still didn't tell my close friends that I actually began to play RS regularly now. It's not something that I'm entitled to share, but even if it was I don't think I would.

What subreddit do you disagree with most? by LoLzRoFlZoMgZin AskReddit

[–]khandiments 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I tried scrolling through but I have no perception of what is what and the vibrant primary colors made it all the more difficult.

What internet mistake will you never make again? by Slenderaussin AskReddit

[–]khandiments 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I hosted the flower game (some shit people gamble on guessing the color of the flower from mithril seeds) and I did x6 legitimately, before hosting and dicing was exploited.

The highest amount I gave away was 18mil, it was SOUL CRUSHING to see 72 mil turn into 54 mil.

I did it legitimately and I didn't scam because I knew for a fact that the people would keep contacting me to play more until I cleaned them out, your odds are just sooo against you, even with x6 and you win. Sounds great right? Bet a 100k, win 600k, but then they start betting big like 1mil, and lose, then they bet 1mil again, and lose again, and keep losing. Like the guy who won the 18mil ended up betting 10mil the next round and lost, then he bet another ten and lost again. Within two rounds I was already up again.

Basically, I was heartless because I cleaned so many banks. I only hosted for like a week, and I ended up making like 80 something and spending that on a santa hat. I still would get pms from people wanting to play way after I stopped hosting.

Should I get my wisdom teeth removed BEFORE braces or AFTER braces? by [deleted]in Dentistry

[–]khandiments 0 points1 point  (0 children)

No, they're not bothering me though I know they're going to impact my teeth (from the direction seen on xrays) and I do need two out of the four removed---soon. Not ASAP, but it's recommended to remove them now-ish.

I can feel one just barely surfacing with my tongue though, if that makes a difference.

I don't have access to any x-rays available at the moment, should I call the clinic and ask for some, I'm not sure how that works haha.

I really don't want to have the procedure done WHILE having braces, I want to avoid that route the most, but I'm unsure the extractions can wait for two years. :( I'm unsure how severe it is, since I was just recommended to have a consult with an oral surgeon and I won't be seeing him or her until next week.

What are some things that make you cringe involving Runescape? by AnimatedAnixain runescape

[–]khandiments 4 points5 points  (0 children)

I tried to get back into playing RS like two years ago and I couldn't, I told my irl friends who I played with when I was in like the fourth grade and no one cared. One even tried to start again with me.

Even though I'm (possibly) starting again, I don't talk about it either. It really is embarrassing. Even on social media, since this is my main reddit account my irl friends know the user and shit, I'm like almost embarrassed someone's going to confront me for commenting on posts for this subreddit or someone's going to call me out for following RS on twitter.

Could we have a thread once a week for a day where we could ask any question about the game for others to answer by Tristar_123in runescape

[–]khandiments 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I'd like this, I don't know a lot since I haven't actually played in so long and everything changed and I don't have any friends in game to ask questions to, so I end up googling everything or asking random players to help. There's still a lot I still haven't found the answer to.

Used my phone's red eye elimination feature... I think my freckles confused it. by no___thisispatrickin pics

[–]khandiments 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I remember when I was a junior in high school, my teacher was going on about how we can't address black people as "colored people" in our papers, because they're African Americans and even if they didn't directly come from Africa---someone along their lineage did. He basically went on a tangent on how highly offensive being called, "colored."

I wish I thought of your comment at the time, it would have shut him up.

[AMA Request] Seth Rogen and James Franco by ahydellin IAmA

[–]khandiments 0 points1 point  (0 children)

what the fuck. lmao, i thought this link was going to be for the music video. I'm not sure whether I should watch the full thing or not.

Free Box of 18 Tampons by banned_accountsin freebies

[–]khandiments 1 point2 points  (0 children)

unless it's useful like 18 free tampons. Rofl.

I wonder why i am addicted to kdrama? by kfan345in kdramarecommends

[–]khandiments 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Haha I really like Yerin and her sister Yeseo, I used to watch their videos on YouTube a lot.

I don't know about the Chinese historical thing, since I don't watch any dramas from mainland China. I do really enjoy Taiwanese dramas/movies, they're basically up to par with Korean dramas--- they usually have better plots and better looking guys.

I do think the Korean actors and actresses are really beautiful/handsome, but you're right about most male actors not standing out that much in comparison to the female. Unless they're young and a flower boy from some idol group or something or a really popular actor in general, I don't really notice them.

If I could recommend a Taiwanese movie, it would be Secret it's really good haha, you should watch it if you have nothing else to watch.

I binge watch a lot of Korean dramas too, I usually take breaks from watching them though so it gives it a lot of time for new dramas to be made and released, like I'm really enjoying some of the newer ones such as Mr. Baek, Birth of a Beauty, Hi! School-Love On, After School: Lucky or Not (season 2), It's Okay, That's Love and Boarding House No. 24 to name a few.

What does a healthy mouth taste like? by [deleted]in Dentistry

[–]khandiments 1 point2 points  (0 children)

licking the wrist

...what? this is a thing?

Free Box of 18 Tampons by banned_accountsin freebies

[–]khandiments 8 points9 points  (0 children)

I see you with all your tim horton coupons, don't be playin'

Would it be possible to increase the limit for the number of players allowed into a friends chat? by skeltor57in runescape

[–]khandiments -1 points0 points  (0 children)

O awks, I just have no friends. My bad, I forgot there was a limited space in friends chat as well.

How and where do you watch your KDramas? by JCL1019in KDRAMA

[–]khandiments 4 points5 points  (0 children)

I initially watched korean dramas soley on Netflix, since I was accidentally introduced to it.

One of my real life friends introduced me to DramaFever and Viki after finding out I started watching Korean dramas, so I stopped using Netflix.

I don't stream dramas or movies illegally, but I watch variety shows and idol reality shows from websites like kshowonline and dramacool-- which usually have videos on different platforms like Vimeo, VIP and Dailymotion.

I don't pay to watch dramas and despite using DramaFever and Viki; I don't watch many advertisements.

The only time I watch ads are if it's on Viki and I seldom use it.

I would normally have to watch ads on DramaFever, but it depends on the platform I'm watching it from.

If I stream from my computer, there's no advertisements because of AdBlock and if I stream from an apple device, like an iPad or an iPhone I can skip ads by pressing the home button and going back to the DramaFever app for as many ads there are (usually two) and it skips the ad for me. This doesn't work on my new phone, which is an android though. It just begins the ad over again. I'm not sure if many people know about this little trick.

I don't watch Korean dramas on my television anymore, since I no longer have Netflix... but I do stream from YouTube sometimes since KBS is free and uploads variety shows and dramas subbed, along with Mnet and DramaFever's youtube account.

I used to watch a lot of American entertainment, but as soon as I was introduced to kdramas I became engrossed in Korean entertainment, because of the dramas... it slowly introduced me to movies, reality shows, variety shows, and kpop (Dream High specifically did this)

I'm from the US (FL) and I am Asian, but I'm South Asian and I have no connection with eastern Asia.

I do really like the culture of all of Asia in general and I watch a lot of documentaries, so I was pretty knowledgeable about both the Koreas prior to my involvement with kdramas.

Since I live in an area where there are mostly elderly, wealthy Caucasians, I was surprised to find out that almost all of the few Asians that I know, watched things from Korean entertainment despite not being Korean.

Most of my friends know I have some sort of interest in Korea, but most of them don't know that I basically ONLY watch Korean shows now. I only keep up with two shows (Greys Anatomy and Adventure Time) that I used to watch prior to watching kdramas, I don't really tell people how interested I am in Korea unless it comes up. I'm not embarrassed by it, but usually there's no need for me to tell people unless they watch it too and we can talk about it.

Although none of my really close/good friends are into Korea, I still tell them about scandals and things about the people I like or the shows I've watched.

They're usually interested, because it's just little things I mention. I don't encourage them to get into Korean things either, since it is extremely addicting, but I'm sure if I sat them down and watched a variety show like Running Man or something, it'd definitely catch their interest.