"Not unlike Wilco's Yankee Hotel Foxtrot and its seemingly prescient foreshadowing of 9/11,
Never Not Together begs to be heard in the crazy here and now. In a fast-changing world
where we all will be called on to offer our gifts to the tribe more and more often, Caws
gives his gift of love, and songs about love, to raise and keep spirits up." City Pages
“Caws has flourished into an adroit chronicler of love and confusion… Never Not Together feels
like an old friend open
new tricks. Familiar bittersweet flavours are sensitively tweaked but
Nada Surf’s cathartic heartbursts remain in perfect harmony.” MOJO – 4 stars ****
“One of the most consistently rewarding bands.” NPR 'All Songs Considered'
“Songs from the heart, boasting melodic confidence,
dreamy harmonies and guitars that chime in joyous unity.” Daily Mirror