
November 23, Utrecht - Kom in verzet tegen Wilderskabinet!

Barcelona’s Antifascist Revolution Unveiled in Rare Anarchist Durruti Funeral Video from 1936 - He died on this day

Rare newsreel footage from José Buenaventura Durruti Dumange’s (14 July 1896 – 20 November 1936) funeral in Barcelona, attended by more than half a million anarchists.

He died on 20 November 1936, at the age of 40, in a makeshift operating theatre set up in what was formerly the Ritz Hotel. The bullet was lodged in the heart; the diagnosis recorded was “death caused by pleural haemorrhage”. The doctors wrote a report in which the path of the bullet and the character of the wound was recorded but not the calibre of the bullet, since no autopsy was performed to remove it.

His driver’s gave the following testimonial about the events that lead to his death: “We passed a little group of hotels which are at the bottom of this avenue [Avenida de la Reina Victoria] and we turned towards the right. Arriving at the big street, we saw a group of militiamen coming towards us. Durruti thought it was some young men who were leaving the front. This area was completely destroyed by the bullets coming from the Clinical Hospital, which had been taken during these days by the Moors and which dominated all the environs. Durruti had me stop the car which I parked in the angle of one of those little hotels as a precaution. Durruti got out of the auto and went towards the militiamen. He asked them where they were going. As they didn’t know what to say, he ordered them to return to the front. The militiamen obeyed and Durruti returned towards the car. The rain of bullets became stronger. From the vast red heap of the clinical hospital, the Moors and the Guardia Civil were shooting furiously. Reaching the door of the machine, Durruti collapsed, a bullet through his chest.”

— It is we the workers who built these palaces and cities, here in Spain and in America and everywhere. We, the workers. We can build others to take their place. And better ones! We are not in the least afraid of ruins. We are going to inherit the earth. There is not the slightest doubt about that. The bourgeoisie might blast and ruin its own world before it leaves the stage of history. We carry a new world here, in our hearts. That world is growing in this minute.

— Buenaventura Durruti -

Anonymous asked:

Do you have any resources for Pro-Palestine posters?

Also, is there another way to put up posters without using tape?

We don’t off-hand but we can’t imagine it would be too hard to find Palestine/Palestinian poster templates online.

Have you heard of wheatpasting? Here’s the absolute best guide to getting posters up using wheatpasting instead of tape! Just uhhh don’t wear your nicest clothes when you’re making your wheatpaste or putting up the posters.

Anonymous asked:


First, thank you for maintaining your blog no matter the rough time we travel in our community.

Second, thank you for sharing so much, you're a Reliable source to me.

Last, but not least, do you speak French? I saw you spreading many content from and for the French antifa community, and I was curious if I could dm you in my native language, or if I should stay in English, if you accept DM's of course. Even if you don't, your blog is important, and will stay on my my important ones.

Stay strong.

First & Second - you’re welcome! We’re happy to hear that we’re useful for you!

Our collective has members that speak Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Japanese, and Swedish and probably a few other languages as well. Feel free to DM us en français!

Anonymous asked:

Any advice for trans people in the UK, who want to join direct action groups but are terrified of going to jail, because who knows which gender jail you will end up in and how much they will hate us in there, and getting naked and shit. I dont want to do nothing. Any advice to stop being a coward? Wheatpasting alone doesnt feel like enough. Sorry i dont know who else to ask. Even just telling me to grow a spine. Any conversation around the topic would be great.

Happily, anti-fascist action isn’t always “fight the nazis in the streets and go to jail!” We’ve published a list of 30 antifa actions we believe most people would be able to take on (perhaps with the help of some friends).

Don’t like any of those? Have a look at the 40 Ways To Fight Fascists: Street-Legal Tactics For Community Activists ‘zine for 40 more ideas. Hell, just printing out that distributing that 'zine in your community = legit anti-fascist action.

Pick one of those 70 different actions and start with that. When it’s done, assess how it went, what could have been done better, and then move on to the next action. LET US KNOW HOW IT GOES!

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