December 19, 2009

Last night on Bill O'Reilly's Fox News show, Glenn Beck made his weekly appearance and was shocked to learn from O'Reilly that White House Senior Adviser Valerie Jarrett was upset with him, and wanted to know why Beck was after her.

Beck either feigned amnesia, or he's a complete psycho who manages to obliterate any memory of his vicious verbal assaults on various individuals:

O'Reilly: She goes -- and she was very nice by the way -- 'What is his problem with me?' So here you are -- what is your problem with Valerie Jarrett?

Beck: I don't think I've -- I've mentioned Valerie Jarrett maybe a couple of times in the last year.

O'Reilly: She was very, very upset.


Beck: I don't know what I've said about Valerie Jarrett other than she is the Karen Hughes, if you will -- she's a huge player. She considers herself, uh, family. And I believe he considers her family.

O'Reilly: Is that bad?

Beck: No, no. I'm just saying she is very, very tight there. And she is one of the big players.

See, now this is why Whoopi Goldberg called Beck a "lying sack of dog mess." Because Jarrett has been a regular pinata on Beck's show. How many times has he played that tape of Jarrett praising Van Jones? We lost count, actually.

More importantly, it was just Sept. 30 when Beck devoted an entire twenty-minute segment to attacking Jarrett, placing her at the epicenter of the vast conspiracy or black radical Marxists who had infested the White House.

We've excerpted the more interesting parts of this attack:

The day before this, he'd smeared her for her role in the Chicago Olympics bid, claiming she was a slumlord: "And Valerie Jarrett, some people say she was a slumlord, and she may personally benefit." He later added:

Beck: Is Valerie Jarrett, is it possible that she is going to benefit if the Olympics come to Chicago?

Caddell: Well, that's the word. She certainly had a lot of dealings going on in real estate.

He returned to the subject on his Sept. 3 show, when Beck invited Michelle Malkin on to slag Jarrett: "This woman is the consigliere not just to Barack Obama but to Michelle Obama as well, who shares these black nationalist and radical tendencies throughout their whole career."

I expect a Lexis/Nexis search would show that, besides the more outrageous smears, Jarrett has been mentioned on Beck's show at least twenty other times.

Beck is just flatly lying. But then, that's hardly news anymore, I guess.

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