The Only WordPress Security Checklist You’ll Need in 2024

WordPress is a secure content management system (CMS), but the way you set up and configure your website can affect its level of security. If you don’t take steps to protect your site, you might end up facing a data breach or losing your content. 

To help you out, we’ve created the ultimate WordPress security checklist. This will guide you through all the steps you need to protect your website against bots and attackers.

In this post, we’ll take a look at the built-in security features of WordPress. Then, we’ll show you 30 things you can do to further protect your site. 

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CRM vs Marketing Automation: Breaking Down the Differences

In sales and marketing, terms like “CRM” and “marketing automation” frequently float around. And while both have the potential to revolutionize your business, they’re not the same thing. By truly understanding what each of these tools do, you can start to figure out how to use them to grow your business or improve your performance. 

Dive in with us as we demystify CRM and marketing automation, offering you clarity, insight, and, just maybe, the key to unlock that next level of business growth. Plus, we’ll show you how Jetpack CRM could be the game-changer you’re looking for. 

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Keep your neighborhood updated with Jetpack Social and Nextdoor

Are you active in your community and struggle to get the word out about your business? Good news, Jetpack Social is for you. Now you can connect your Nextdoor account to Jetpack Social, and your updates will be shared to your Nextdoor account when you publish new content. It’s the easiest way to stay in touch with your community and build a local following.

Jetpack Social also allows you to add Nextdoor share buttons and embed Nextdoor content to your website through the Nextdoor embed block.

Easily share your content to Nextdoor

Automatically cross-post your website content onto your Nextdoor account  and allow visitors to quickly share your content to their local community too. Learn how to connect Jetpack to Nextdoor and how to enable the Nextdoor social share buttons.

Embed Nextdoor content to your site

Received a glowing business recommendation or won a recent Faves Award? Highlight that social proof and credibility on your website, or surface additional relevant content from your neighborhood. The Nextdoor Block lets you embed content from Nextdoor straight to your website. Learn how to use the Nextdoor Block.

Jetpack Social – flexibility with every post

  • Select where you share with every post: Easily toggle which social media networks you want your content to automatically go to, with every WordPress post. Got content that you want to share on Nextdoor, but not LinkedIn? No problem.
  • Preview before you publish: We’ve improved the social preview tool, which allows you to see how your post will appear on all the social platforms you’re connected to, without ever leaving the WordPress editor.
  • Control your message: If you have long-form content, you can easily overwrite the default message and create your own custom messages to be shared amongst your social networks, alongside your media. This is also great for social media platforms that restrict character counts.

Get started with Jetpack Social and Nextdoor

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The 10 Best Social Media Auto Posters to Try in 2023

Since social media is constantly in motion, it’s important to put out fresh content regularly. Otherwise, you risk making your brand look outdated and irrelevant. But it can be difficult to consistently post new, engaging content when you have multiple social media platforms to manage. 

Fortunately, social media auto posters enable you to create and schedule content ahead of time. This way, your posts will automatically be published across different channels without requiring extra manual input. Plus, you can often access other useful features like in-depth analytics and content suggestions. 

In this post, we’ll discuss the top ten social media auto posting tools. Then, we’ll compare the best options and answer some common questions. 

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Jetpack 12.9 is here

Jetpack 12.9 – Under-the-hood improvements for your site

This month, we’re shipping several under-the-hood improvements and bug fixes to make Jetpack work even better for you and your website.

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Revamped Activity Log: Advanced Filters for Enhanced Insights

We’re proud to unveil the latest updates to the Jetpack VaultPress Backup activity log, including a smarter way to search, more detailed options to filter your content, and a cleaner, simpler design for an all-around easier experience.

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CDP vs CRM: Key Differences Explained and Which to Choose

CRM or CDP? It’s a puzzle that has left many business owners scratching their heads, wondering which software is the golden ticket to superior customer relationships and data-driven decision-making. If you’ve found yourself knee-deep in research, comparing the pros and cons, you can rest a bit easier. This article has what you need. 

Today, we’ll delve into the nitty-gritty of CRM and CDP software, untangle their complex webs, and shed light on their core differences. 

By the end of this guide, you’ll have a clear roadmap to select the best tool for your business. And for WordPress users, you’ll get the inside scoop about Jetpack CRM — a tool that could change your entire perspective for the better. Let’s go! 

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The 8 Best Open Source CRM Software to Consider in 2023

Every business, from the corner mom-and-pop shop to the sprawling global corporation, thrives on meaningful relationships. Marketing publications speak about customer satisfaction, sales conversions, and brand loyalty, but at the heart is an unspoken trust between businesses and their customers. Cultivating, nurturing, and understanding these relationships is the key to success, but doing so isn’t always easy.

That’s where customer relationship management (CRM) software comes into play. It’s an integral tool that tracks customer interactions and information so that — whether through marketing automation or real, in-person customer service — a business can deliver personalized, knowledgeable service, messaging, and support to each customer. If you’re aiming to build and maintain those coveted customer relationships, it’s a must-have tool. 

There are a myriad of CRM choices out there. So how do you decide? 

Today, we’ll dive deep into the world of open source CRM software, discuss its benefits, explore the best ones out there, and, of course, shine a spotlight on our top pick: Jetpack CRM

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Website Backups: How to Choose the Right Tool or Service

Let’s talk about websites. No, we’re not talking about flashy designs, catchy content on homepages, or intricate site functionalities. Our topic is often unseen and overlooked, but is so critical that it can save sites and businesses of any size from a catastrophic loss. We’re going to talk about website backups.

Imagine building a magnificent castle, each brick placed with meticulous precision. You dedicate years of effort, resources, and passion to this towering marvel only for a storm to dismantle it overnight. You’re left with wreckage, the aftermath of lost time and resources, and the daunting task of rebuilding. In the digital world, a website is your castle, and a website backup is your protection from a devastating loss. 

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How to Improve WordPress Site Speed on Mobile & Desktop

Slow websites are painful — and not just when you’re waiting for that recipe to load while balancing a boiling pot and a hungry toddler. 

If you own a WordPress site or are in charge of managing one, a slow website can be painful to your goals. Visitors will get tired of waiting for pages to load, and leave your site without making a purchase or inquiry, and they may not come back to give you a second chance.

But if you’re tired of poor performance, it’s not all gloom and doom. You don’t need to be an expert in web development to make your WordPress website run faster. You don’t need hours of extra time or a huge budget approval from management. 

There are plenty of optimization strategies that are easy to implement and highly effective! And, in many cases, you can install a WordPress plugin to do most of the work.

Below, we’ll take a look at the main causes of slow WordPress websites and discuss the importance of prioritizing page speed for mobile visitors. Then, we’ll show you how to measure your WordPress site speed and walk you through a 22-step guide to improve it. 

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