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Call for submissions on gender-based crimes since 7 October 2023



The United Nations Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and Israel (“Commission”) is investigating possible international crimes and violations of international human rights law committed in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territory on and since 7 October 2023 (see call for submissions on 20 October).1 The findings of the Commission’s investigations will be presented in its reports to the Human Rights Council during its 56th Session (June 2024) and to the General Assembly during its 79th Session (October 2024).

In the scope of its investigations, the Commission is dedicating particular attention to allegations of gender-based crimes, with an emphasis on murder and hostage-taking, rape and other forms of sexual violence. The Commission invites States and individuals, groups and organisations to submit information concerning these specific crimes committed by any armed actors on and since 7 October 2023. The Commission also invites victims, witnesses and any persons in possession of information to contact the Commission.

The Commission seeks information concerning the events that occurred and the identity of individuals, armed groups, security or military units who are or could be responsible for gender-based crimes. The Commission is particularly interested in the identification of persons in positions of command responsibility for actions that may constitute crimes under international law.  

The information collected will be used in the preparation of the Commission’s upcoming reports to the Human Rights Council and General Assembly. It could also be shared with domestic and international accountability mechanisms and judicial bodies, including the International Criminal Court, when informed consent to share is provided by the information source.   

Procedure for submissions:

Information can be submitted in English, Arabic and/or Hebrew.

The Commission attaches the utmost importance to the safety and security of people and the protection of sources, notably concerning the respect for confidentiality and the ‘do no harm’ principle (not to jeopardize the life, safety, freedom and well-being of victims, witnesses and other cooperating persons). If applicable, information providers should state their wish to remain confidential when transmitting information to the Commission.

Individuals, groups and organizations wishing to submit information to the Commission are kindly asked to fill in this sheet with any information they are able to provide and attach it to their submissions. It is not a requirement to provide all requested information if not available, though particular attention should be given to filling in the section on informed consent.

Submissions should be sent via Tresorit, a secure file transfer service, using the following link:

Upon accessing the link, please click "Add Items" and select the information you wish to submit. Please insert your email address in the given text box, so that we can identify the sender, and then click "Upload".

Please do not send sensitive information through email. Should you have any questions, including on how to submit sensitive information to the Commission, please contact the Commission at [email protected]

Please note that individual acknowledgements of receipt of information will not be sent. It should be noted that not all information provided will be reflected in public reports of the Commission.
