
Pope Exorcist or Mafia Mama by WeenieDogMan in AMCsAList

[–]CannedNoodlez 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I already wanted to see The Pope's Exorcist. After your description I REALLY want to see it.

We had a baseball team come by by Leniethegenie in Chipotle

[–]CannedNoodlez 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I used to think so until I was gifted a pair. They're so comfortable

We had a baseball team come by by Leniethegenie in Chipotle

[–]CannedNoodlez 3 points4 points  (0 children)

There's a style called Crocs-On-The-Clock that have heel support now!

What percentage of A-Listers come close to maximizing their benefits? by ItsANeutralZoneTrap in AMCsAList

[–]CannedNoodlez 8 points9 points  (0 children)

They're making bank off of me. I used to go more regularly but I've only seen two movies this year so far

Edit: they probably also love me because I buy a cocktail or two every time

Verizon will let you test-drive its network free for 30 days, 'no strings attached' by malcontent70 in verizon

[–]CannedNoodlez 0 points1 point  (0 children)

It definitely depends on the area. Just tried it indoors at work and TM is 142 down, 4.63 up. Verizon shows just LTE and is 2.91 down and .31 up

Whats with the weird T-mobile Fanboys on the Verizon sub by orientbambino in verizon

[–]CannedNoodlez 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I worked at Verizon for years. That same stuff happened at Verizon too. We just didn’t have eSims

Verizon will let you test-drive its network free for 30 days, 'no strings attached' by malcontent70 in verizon

[–]CannedNoodlez 8 points9 points  (0 children)

I’m on the 90 day trial too and their speeds blow away anything I get with verizon

Verizon's new network chief promises customer feedback tool by [deleted] in verizon

[–]CannedNoodlez 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I did tech support at an ATT DSC. We had access to the tool that showed current tower status, houses that had network extenders, and Mark the Spot complaints. It was actually pretty cool. From what I understood though was that the complaints from the app only went to that tool and it was up to someone in tech support to file a ticket if they saw a bunch in that area

Alright Kings Reddit, who are we rooting for in this Saturday matchup? by ZachtheKingsfan in losangeleskings

[–]CannedNoodlez 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I hope that halfway through a 0-0 tie both teams decide to retire and forfeit the game.

Whats with the weird T-mobile Fanboys on the Verizon sub by orientbambino in verizon

[–]CannedNoodlez 3 points4 points  (0 children)

I mean you could say the same about Verizon fanboys. Any criticism is often met with downvotes. I was a VZW employee for years and basically drank the kool aid. Even after I left, I still really liked them. That being said, I personally feel Verizon has recently become a former shell of itself. I'm in an area marked as 5G but only get LTE. I'm pulling around 5Mbps. I'm currenty trying T-Mobile on the same phone. I'm getting a couple hundred Mbps. It's a huge difference.

Springfield OR location. Has anyone else's Planet Fitness location gone absolutely bonkers? by TheThirteenthCylon in PlanetFitnessMembers

[–]CannedNoodlez 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Reduced hours is a valid complaint. Especially if someone signed up while it was 24/7. I don't see the issue with staff cleaning during hours. I WANT a clean gym.

Springfield OR location. Has anyone else's Planet Fitness location gone absolutely bonkers? by TheThirteenthCylon in PlanetFitnessMembers

[–]CannedNoodlez 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Plenty of members in this subreddit have legit complaints and the mods keep them up. I have no issues with mods being employees.

What in your opinion has been the biggest flop Disneyland by recently? by Whirlwindofemotion in Disneyland

[–]CannedNoodlez 0 points1 point  (0 children)

The first time I purchased it I had to watch a quick Youtube video on how to use it.

What benefits of Loseit! Premium do you use? Does it help you to be more successful at weight loss? by National_Ad_6892 in loseit

[–]CannedNoodlez 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I just got an offer for a lifetime subscription for $60 on the app. If you plan on using it for a few years it might be worth it to go that route

Gets offended cause someone dared to walk between her and her phone. by [deleted] in facepalm

[–]CannedNoodlez 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Yep. My gym has a warm up area that's different than the turf.

Gets offended cause someone dared to walk between her and her phone. by [deleted] in facepalm

[–]CannedNoodlez 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I had a trainer who I would send my squat/snatch/clean and jerk videos to so he could see my form. No one saw those videos but him. The phone was also right next to me, and not five feet away like this person

Halo band favor by FishDragun in PlanetFitnessMembers

[–]CannedNoodlez 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Update: I use gmail and found it under the promotions category. It didn't show in my main inbox

Can I use my siblings express pass? by queen0fthestarss in universalstudios

[–]CannedNoodlez 2 points3 points  (0 children)

No. The pass it's attached to needs to be scanned at the entrance for it to work.

Why would PF charge me extra if paying cash upfront for a whole year? by ChristopherPAlbanese in PlanetFitnessMembers

[–]CannedNoodlez 4 points5 points  (0 children)

They want people who are on month-to-month with credit cards/checking accounts and never cancel. That's how they make their money.