Rule 1. Posts must be related to XBOX ONE and link directly to the source.
All posts and comments must be related to the XBOX ONE console and link directly to the source, any posts that don't will be removed. Posts about SeriesX|S games should be posted in our current gen sub, r/XboxSeriesX. This includes playing them through xCloud. Rants about how Xbox gave you a com ban or complaining about xbox messages will also be removed.
Rule 2. Follow Reddiquette. Keep it Civil. Spoilers and NSFW must be properly marked.
What is reddiquette? Link Be nice to your fellow humans. Any spoiler and NSFW posts not properly marked will be removed.
Rule 3: Piracy, hacking, jailbreaking, game sharing etc.
Enabling piracy, jailbreaking, hacking, fraud, account trading and sharing, region switching etc. is not allowed.
Discussion of game sharing is only permitted if within the same household (family sharing). Posts discussing game sharing with friends will be removed.
Rule 4: No memes, image macros, polls, petitions, friend requests, etc.
Memes, image macros, reaction gifs, polls, petitions, friend requests, LFG posts, and surveys are not allowed.
Rule 5: No advertising, selling, buying, trading, self promotion or asking for free stuff.
No advertising, selling, buying, trading, asking for free or self promotion.
Exceptions to self promotion will only be made if you contact the mods, get approval, and follow reddits 10:1 post ratio.
Rule 6: [Giveaway] and [Deal] posts
Giveaway and Deal posts must be properly tagged and can't include redirects or referral links.
Rule 7: [Tech] help posts are not allowed. Use r/xboxsupport for ALL hardware and software support.
All tech related posts must be posted inside the tech posts megathread. Any tech related posts not in there will be removed.
You can also find assistance at our unofficial Xbox tech support sub:
Screenshots, video captures, pictures of gaming setups, controllers, achievements, receipts, gamerscores, avatars, hardware packaging / boxes etc are only allowed on Showoff Sundays starting on Sunday 12:00am ET and ending on Monday 12:00am ET.
Any other day of the week they will be removed. Exceptions may be made for customized consoles/controllers or for posts which have received a large number of upvotes (in order to preserve the conversations within).