
Oofffff by JamieWMoore in adhdmeme

[–]Jack4608 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Pretty sure I see this meme daily

Why does it feel like I'm the only one here...? by StealHiner in civ

[–]Jack4608 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Maybe I’m being stupid but if you have the DLC how have you never seen the era score screen?

Why does it feel like I'm the only one here...? by StealHiner in civ

[–]Jack4608 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Do you have the dlc? Without it era score isn’t part of the game

I’m never going to be okay am I? by Jack4608 in ADHD

[–]Jack4608[S] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Absolutely I'm optimistic overall but just having some pessimistic days.

I’m never going to be okay am I? by Jack4608 in ADHD

[–]Jack4608[S] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Yeah this is the method I've been trying as of late that seems to be working the best for me. Instead of a routine its just daily goals, My goal is 10k steps a day, if I don't hit it well its not the end of the world we can just try again tomorrow.

I’m never going to be okay am I? by Jack4608 in ADHD

[–]Jack4608[S] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

This is all you can do, somehow I'm Development Lead for a company working for major infrastructure projects across the UK and there are more days than I could count where I have no f*cking idea how I got here but at the end of the day, I'm just gonna keep doing what I can and maybe one day it will all fall down and I'll move onto something else, maybe it won't.

I’m never going to be okay am I? by Jack4608 in ADHD

[–]Jack4608[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

This is it, and the mindset I've been going for and I'm doing better just was having a very bad day at the time. But I will never give up trying because I will be damned before I let some dumb-ass chemical DoPAmINe stop me from enjoying my life and trying to achieve my goals

I’m never going to be okay am I? by Jack4608 in ADHD

[–]Jack4608[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I'm really sorry and I deeply sympathize with you it does seem like we will never be what we envisioned when we was younger no matter how many methods we try. Trust me I've tried plenty as well.

I agree it felt like a relief at first but honestly, for me it kind of flipped. All the mental issues I'd had before I managed to fix, Social Anxiety, Depression, General Anxiety, etc. I managed to solve them myself and do a lot better but these were things that I could just never fix and then hearing that it is impossible for me to fix them was kinda devastating. But after reading all the comments here and having a good day I feel a lot more okay about it and if you're still feeling this way maybe have a read through the comments there are some gems in there.

I’m never going to be okay am I? by Jack4608 in ADHD

[–]Jack4608[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Yeah luckily I haven't received too much on the side of people without ADHD putting me down or whatever because of it I only have one friend who constantly claims that all my problems are because I lack any self-discipline and I'm always like "yeah that's kinda one of the bigger parts of ADHD ya know". These people will never see it from our point of view and our experiences and in general people can only sympathize with what they know so I don't take it personally.

I’m never going to be okay am I? by Jack4608 in ADHD

[–]Jack4608[S] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Thank you so much for this it really puts it into words because its exactly that. I will almost definitely never have the future I thought I would and that sucks a lot, but you're right its not my fault I didn't choose this and now I just have to decide where I want to go in life next. Thank you

I’m never going to be okay am I? by Jack4608 in ADHD

[–]Jack4608[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I'm really sorry man unfortunately there's not much I can really suggest or say to help but I hope your country removes the bans and allows people with ADHD to get the treatment they deserve soon.

I’m never going to be okay am I? by Jack4608 in ADHD

[–]Jack4608[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I will never understand this either, like I get there are a lot of stigmas around ADHD like "oh you just need a planner" or "Drink more water it will fix all your problems" and its all complete bullsh*t but one that I will never deny is that exercise does help, even regularly walking alleviates my symptoms a little and when I had a good gym routine was probably the best I've been while unmedicated. I understand its not easy cos even a year down the line i still don't go to the gym reliably enough to actually hit my goals but the days I do it makes a difference.

I’m never going to be okay am I? by Jack4608 in ADHD

[–]Jack4608[S] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Thank you this was really nice to read I really appreciate it.

I’m never going to be okay am I? by Jack4608 in ADHD

[–]Jack4608[S] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Thank you I really do appreciate it, a better future is definitely in sight I'm doing better than ever now that I'm on my meds and have given up some really bad habits/addictions so I'm excited to see how my life will look in 5 years.

I’m never going to be okay am I? by Jack4608 in ADHD

[–]Jack4608[S] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Just as a note I'm not trying to suggest a walk will make everything better lmao, just saying sometimes I like to look back on the happy moments and it makes me not want to risk loosing out on anymore.

I’m never going to be okay am I? by Jack4608 in ADHD

[–]Jack4608[S] 0 points1 point locked comment (0 children)

Honestly, the things that have been most helpful are those saying that it's not going to be okay/normal but that doesn't mean it has to be a bad life. I completely get being tired of existence I've felt it many times myself but I hope you're okay.

I’m never going to be okay am I? by Jack4608 in ADHD

[–]Jack4608[S] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I'm so sorry you feel like this, I guarantee you do a lot better of a job at parenting than you give yourself credit for, part of ADHD (at least for me) is never truly believing im good at what I do or not completely messing everything up but that doesn't mean its true.

I completely agree most people have no idea how hard it is to live with or how hard it is to get yourself to a stable point from it. I hope you're doing okay and if you haven't already it may be worth trying CBT and medication. If you ever do feel like giving up go for a walk around sunset, by some water, and take it all in and think about all the moments in your life you're happy to have lived through and seen hopefully it will do for you what it does for me.

I’m never going to be okay am I? by Jack4608 in ADHD

[–]Jack4608[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Yeah I need to start going back to the gym because it always made me feel a lot better but I'm waiting to hear back from my doctor for my ECG results before I do, so for now I've just been aiming to walk 10k steps a day and its definitely having a positive impact.

I’m never going to be okay am I? by Jack4608 in ADHD

[–]Jack4608[S] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Wow as someone who works in Software Development this was like the best analogy I could've asked for.

Wow as someone who works in Software Development, this was like the best analogy I could've asked for.

I’m never going to be okay am I? by Jack4608 in ADHD

[–]Jack4608[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Yeah I'm recently on meds (about a month, but when making this post I had been without for a few days because I forgot to refill the prescription) and they're definitely helping. Currently in therapy too but for medical anxiety rather than ADHD but they won't give me both at the same time on the NHS.

The inner perfectionist is somehow my favorite and least favorite part of this all I think, like it helps me get the drive to learn and do the best I can but also means I'm never happy with the result.

I’m never going to be okay am I? by Jack4608 in ADHD

[–]Jack4608[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Thanks, man this was really nice to hear especially knowing that people with ADHD do still achieve it. I've had a really good day today and taken care of myself I just hope I can push through the extra work it takes me for long enough that it becomes nature.

I’m never going to be okay am I? by Jack4608 in ADHD

[–]Jack4608[S] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

See what your describing about picking one goal and sticking with it is what I was trying for a while and it never really worked for me, even if I met that goal I was in such a bad state (unmedicated, underweight, sedentary lifestyle, etc.) that I just still felt rough no matter what and didn't ever get it to stick because I was feeling so drained.

Now I'm on meds and I'm kinda trying that again but more general (a few goals but all loose like aim for 10k steps a day, aim for 3 meals a day, etc.) and tbh I haven't been doing it long enough to see if it will stick but it definitely seems to be improving like today I achieved all my goals except I was 2 hours short on the amount of work I was aiming to do. But as it stands I'm prioritising my health over work anyway.