
What was your 1st NHL game you attended? by TheGreatCanadian13 in nhl

[–]literally-a-yak 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Only been to one. Someone gave us tickets to Flames/Sharks in 2009 in the nosebleeds of the Saddledome. Was worth going, but not easy to see ants playing hockey. Hoping to one day go to a Canucks game, as they are my favorite team.

What do you like the most about the Amazing Race ? by xc2215x in TheAmazingRace

[–]literally-a-yak 8 points9 points  (0 children)

As a fan of competition (like the NHL playoffs, for instance), I love seeing one-by-one elimination and seeing who will come out on top. Especially choosing a team to cheer for and often knowing they're in danger of elimination and seeing them make it through (when they actually do haha). But since growing older (I started watching during season 6 when I was like... 9, I think), I have definitley grown to love seeing the different destinations and different parts of the world a lot more.

Canadian Survivor should be it’s own thing and Arisa should host by manmanchuck44 in survivor

[–]literally-a-yak 0 points1 point  (0 children)

$100K in CAD ... so yeah... it's much better for Canadians to be on the US version. Much much better. $1M USD is $1.28M CAD. Even if the prize for a Canadian Survivor was $250K CAD like the Amazing Race Canada, you'd still make that PLUS $1M more by winning Survivor. AND if I remember correctly, a Canadian resident doesn't need to pay the taxes because of it being American prize money. Erika got like... the best deal ever haha.

(Edit: After looking it up, I might be wrong on that last point. It seems that prize money won on a Canadian show is where a Canadian doesn't need to pay taxes from their prize money. ... still, though... way better for Canadians if they win Survivor US).

My One Time Player Winner Rankings, please let me know what you agree/disagree with. What are your rankings? by zachhd21228 in survivor

[–]literally-a-yak 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I'd probably have Bob at the bottom, and Natalie then also ahead of Fabio. I also would probably put Tommy higher, but not sure exactly where. Earl is totally #1 though, that's forsure.

Who is the most forgettable person on survivor by MagicTntPenguin in survivor

[–]literally-a-yak 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I just scrolled through this entire thread and looked up the people I couldn't picture by name, just to see if I recognized their faces... and there was only one that I had absolutely no memory of ever seeing. It was Brianna Varela

What’s your least popular nhl opinion? by hockeyguy25915 in nhl

[–]literally-a-yak 1 point2 points  (0 children)

"Your team committed an infraction, why should you get additional privelages because of it?"

Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. Recently, I've definitely been wondering about that myself. I just wonder if the players would still just not care as much about icing it anyway, and therefore slow down the game.

The Queen of Canada drops the puck at an NHL game between the Canucks and the Sharks (2002) by DrapersFace in hockey

[–]literally-a-yak 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Hey, it's the first NHL hockey moment I ever saw.

My mom called me to the TV to tell me the queen was dropping the puck. I saw these two and... based on Mike Ricci lookin' a little less appealing to 7-year old me haha... I chose Markus Naslund's team and have been a Canucks fan ever since. The NHL became basically my favorite thing after that. Loved Naslund and Jovanovski especially. Trent Klatt's goal was probably the Canucks moment I remember most from that season (the Paul Kariya KO/come back was probably the most memorable moment overall, as well as Giguere winning the Conn Smythe). ... I miss those days where the West Coast Express were at their best. After Bertuzzi's sucker punch that next season, nothing was ever really the same.

Survivor moments that made you get up from your seat, cheer, whoop, and holler? by Mmerely in survivor

[–]literally-a-yak 0 points1 point  (0 children)

The one I got the most excitement from was when the final vote came for Yul to win against Ozzy in Cook Islands. I was such a huge fan of Yul in that season.

Which non American version do you like the most ? by xc2215x in TheAmazingRace

[–]literally-a-yak 1 point2 points  (0 children)

My favorite are probably the 1st and 2nd Aussie seasons. The ones with Grant Bowler. But also, after rewatching some of the Canadian ones, that first Canadian season is actually way better than I remembered.

I don’t think I can watch American survivor anymore. After watching Australian Survivor, the American version just doesn’t match up. by imagine966 in survivor

[–]literally-a-yak 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I would've agreed with you as I binged through the first four AUS seasons. I loved the longer episodes, and coming back to Island of the Idols, the episodes felt shorter... and eventually IotI became what it was which didn't help it... but then Winners at War was unbelievable, while AUS All-Stars, though fun to have so many greats back, didn't quite deliver... BvB started out good, but I had kind of ruined myelf by hearing more about reading the edit, and it became super obvious to me who was going to win. And once they were originally voted out, and came back in, I kind of lost touch with it as, personally, I think the way AUS brings people back into the game is so random, a surprise to everyone, and so undeserving (I didn't mind the Outcasts for earning their way back, and I didn't mind RI and EoE because they knew what was coming). Plus, it was nice having an unexpected winner on Survivor 41. Now Survivor 42 is here and the first episode focused on literally everyone... and the characters are great. And... AUS BvW ... I was honestly just bored. It was just boring to me. Focused on a few people, showing way too long of confessionals with the same music and words I mostly didn't care about... and like... as soon as Sandra went out... I barely made it through the next episode, I was so bored. And then I just didnt watch anymore and just recently looked up who won. So yea there was a time where I liked AUS Survivor a lot more... but right now its at its worst, while American Survivor is at one of its higher points at least.

You are in charge of giving Season 41 a name/theme. What are your choices?? by [deleted] in survivor

[–]literally-a-yak 0 points1 point  (0 children)

A New Era is absolutely the right answer, as that's exactly what the theme was.

The "time" answers are only focusing on one part.

Survivor Thailand contestant John Raymond accused of child cruelty for taping children's mouths shut for talking too much in class by NineTenThree in survivor

[–]literally-a-yak 0 points1 point  (0 children)

This definitely seems like something that someone who likely grew up getting beat with a ruler in class, or got the strap, would find very tame. I'm guessing John is about that age.

The 1st episode of the Amazing Race in a TV catalog from 2001. by whenyoucantthinkof in TheAmazingRace

[–]literally-a-yak 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Back then, if our TV happened to be on that day, it was likely either my mom watching Touched by an Angel, or me watching Fear Factor.

For people in Canada, The Amazing Race seasons 1-25 are now available on Disney Plus by stevensi1018 in TheAmazingRace

[–]literally-a-yak 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Are some of these episodes a little shorter on here than usual? I know that some 2 hr episodes are split into two, but there's also times where I feel like, "Didn't this happen?" Just have watched seasons 5, 15, 7 and then 1 so for on Disney, but some things, like for instance Rob from season 1 getting upset at a taxi driver, and wanting him to get out of his sight, and also... maybe I'm just remembering things wrong, but didn't Dennis from season 5 get upset about someone pushing him at the starting line? I never did see those moments on Disney+, so I'm wondering about that. Either way, though, it's super nice to have these seasons available us. Super pumped to continue watching.

It's possible too that I missed one of those recap episodes, like what they had on season 7. But I didn't think that seasons 5 and 1 had those.