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This community has a Recap now! 2023 is over.

TIFU Submitted a letter of recommendation from a disgraced professor S

I (24M) was submitting my application to graduate school (a couple months ago), which is the same school I attended for my undergrad. My first and primary letter of recommendation was from a professor I had two years ago, and thought was really good. I wondered why after so long I still hadn't heard anything back, even a rejection. I have friends that have been both accepted and rejected to this very program, so I knew I should have gotten some form of correspondence by now.

Come to find out, my old favorite professor has been fired (a year ago) for inappropriate relations with female students. I had no idea and never would have guessed that he would do something like that, let alone for a prolonged period of time. I still haven't heard anything from them, and this was months ago now. So they either think I am an idiot for not knowing, or a terrible person for not caring. :')

edit: It is kinda funny I'm realizing I definitely caused a "You're gonna wanna come look at this" moment in the admissions office LOL

edit 2: I'm really not too broken up about this, I think it's funny, don't spend too much energy giving advice, I feel bad.

TL;DR: My primary letter of recommendation was from a professor who was a creep, university ghosted me.

TIFU crashing the wrong party BEFORE showing up to a dinner on the wrong day S

So for some background, I have social anxiety so I felt uncomfortable the entire day in anticipation of going to a potluck dinner.
Outside the building, I ring the apartment but get no answer, before two people appear behind me and I let them open the door. I assume they are going to the same dinner as me, but boy was I wrong. As they are going up the stairs I overhear one ask the other if his bottle was water or vodka, which probably could have been another hint they were attending a different gathering, as the host I knew had recently given up drinking. I take off my shoes when they do and follow them into their party. I notice everyone else is a lot more dressed up than me, I ask if they knew the host, and quickly learn I am in the wrong place and promptly exit. I then check the invitation again and see what the correct apartment was, and go ring that one twice to no answer. I check the invitation again and notice it’s not today. Shortly after, a message is sent to everyone reminding them when the event will be, which I assume was sent in response to my blunder.

I had made an entry in my calendar for today, I’m not sure whether the dinner got postponed or I just made a calendar entry for the wrong day but either way, there goes my Friday evening. I missed something else to go to this.

TLDR: Crashed a party at the wrong apartment before going to the right apartment to learn it’s the wrong day.