From Australia, to Palestine

Support Olive Kids today

Improving the Lives of Palestinian Children

Emergency Appeal Campaign

Conditions are dire, and destined to get worse. Access to electricity has been limited, and hospitals are struggling to cope. We are told that there is an estimated 1.4 million people that have been displaced in #Gaza

We're raising funds to urgently provide medical supplies, generator fuel, blankets and food packages for displaced families.


Olive Kids is an Australian Foundation dedicated to support the children of Palestine. Our vision is a future where Palestinian kids can live free, full, and safe childhoods. We work towards this goal by providing financial aid, healthcare, education, and other support to children living in Palestine. All our work is conducted in collaboration with our partner organisations on the ground and is done in a way that ensures we build local capacity and support self-determination

Emergency Appeal Campaign

We are all bearing witness to the devastation and destruction unfolding in Gaza.

Conditions are dire, and destined to get worse. Access to electricity is now limited, hospitals are struggling to cope and there are widespread shortages of food and water. Our partners have told us that shelters are running extremely low on pain killers, antibiotics, disinfectants, bandages and so much more. 

Our campaign goal has been increased to $300,000, to address urgent needs on the ground:

  • Secure medical supplies and generator fuel for Al-Awda Hospital
  • Provide mattresses, blankets and food packages for displaced children and families.

The funds are being distributed by our partners on the ground on what is needed most. We will update our campaign as the situation unfolds.

Orphan Testimonies


"I’d like to thank you on the support you provide to my siblings and me. I’d like to share that I am in good health and I regularly keep up my studies"



"You’re generosity and contribution helped us through very difficult circumstances during this chaotic war on our people and loved ones."



"I’d like to thank you, my dear sponsor, for looking after me financially and offering me what I need to be able to continue my life and dedication."



"It’s so wonderful to find someone who cares and supports you without even knowing you, because you have a very kind heart."



"In spite of the pain and suffering that we’ve gone through, I would like thank you"



"Yousef is in good health and thanks you for your support. The money you send to him allows him to have a good life and to continue his education."

Yousef’s Mother


"I have been injured in the last war and we have been through difficult circumstances in addition to the freezing cold at this time. I’d like to thank you for what you provide to us, and I hope you continue to do more good."


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