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The Generative AI Copyright Fight Is Just Getting Started

The Authors Guild and other artists’ groups say that it's unfair to train AI algorithms on their work without permission. Tech companies generally argue that it counts as “fair use.”

Editors’ Picks

Auto Correction

Women Buy More Cars, So Why Are the Designs So Macho?

It’s not just Elon Musk’s Cybertruck. Car design is largely geared toward men, even though women buy more than 60 percent of all new cars sold in the US. EVs are a chance to right that wrong.
Cover Story

The Spy Who Dumped the CIA, Went to Therapy, and Now Makes Incredible Television

Joe Weisberg—the geopolitically entangled, heavily therapized creator of The Americans and The Patient—is the trickiest character he’s written (so far).
DeFi All Odds

Satoshi Is Black

Women in Science

Dr. Nergis Mavalvala Helped Detect the First Gravitational Wave. Her Work Doesn’t Stop There

The dean of MIT’s School of Science embraces skepticism and failure, and she wants the next generation of scientists to jump right in.
Read All About It

How The New York Times Is Clawing Its Way Into the Future

The Gray Lady is embarking on an ambitious plan, inspired by the strategies of Netflix, Spotify, and HBO, to make a subscription to the Times indispensable.