Language learning resources for Indigenous Languages

We are a grass-roots group of dedicated language learners, and we've compiled some of our projects and resources here in the hopes they might help you learn too.

Language resources

Just some stuff we've been working on...

Learner library

A curated list of language and cultural resources including PDFs, videos and audio, categorized by learning level an application. Also a few hard-to-find items, for safe keeping.
Check it out →
Resources for Indigenous language learners


As learners we find it valuable to spend time transcribing the language. It's not possible (or polite 😂) to 'pause' a fluent speaker while they're speaking, so we work on transcribing recordings to learn new vocab and train our ears.
Coming soon...
Transcriptions in progress

Bloomfield online

Leonard Bloomfield was a linguist who, in the 1920s and 30s recorded three volumes of texts from several reserves in Saskatchewan, two of which were published. Here we offer two of the publications online, Sacred Stories of the Sweetgrass Cree and Plains Cree Texts (in SRO).
Visit the Bloomfield texts →
Bloomfield's texts online

Technology projects

If you're into technology, and interested in Indigenous language learning, you might find these interesting.
Coming soon...
Indigenous language technology


Aaron nitisiyihkâson, asinîwâciy-wâskahikan ohci niya. 👋
My name is Aaron, I'm software engineer and language learner of nêhiyawêwin (Plains Cree, Y-dialect). I grew up in the Rocky Mountain House area in Treaty 6 territory, my family is Métis of Red River descent (Caplette/Lafournaise) and môniyâw. I've been learning nêhiyawêwin for about 5 years now, and as a self-study I know how hard it is to acquire an Indigenous second language as an adult. For that reason I've tried to put together some resources here in an attempt to aide other language learners in their journey.