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[–]MadBucWarlord 30 points31 points  (8 children)

I'm really interested why Bungie still didn't make Kinetic slot Glaive. Popular theories:

- animations in cutscenes, etc

- 3 Glaive builds

Besides that, there's no good reason why we still don't have Kinetic slot Glaives after 8 seasons (EIGHT) since their release. It's insane. I just want to use primary in second slot and Glaive in first slot smh

[–]Jumpy_Menu5104 7 points8 points  (5 children)

I would imagine it’s a mix of both, and maybe some other things. The animation issue is theoretically solvable but not easy. If you think about the final cutscene of both witch queen and light fall. How goofy you look if you beat Savathun while your primary is a bow, and how many animations and poses you would need to make you pointing your weapon at ghost would need, it’s understandable why this might be a limiting factor.

Alternatively, the idea of a build with three glaives, or two glaives and a sword, locking out your melee entirely is potentially an issue. Alternatively there might be other design or balance concerns from having all your weapons being able to bank block charge or having a melee combo. It would require a fine tooth comb to look over any potential ability interaction or technical problems and maybe that diligence is part of the delay.

There is also the third option, that being they don’t have a good idea or haven’t had the opportunity for one. Let’s be honest with ourselves, people might be as upset if not more so if the first kinetic glaive is mid. It’s what happened with code duello. It’s possible they want to wait for a meta more favorable to a new glaive, or want to introduce new glaive/elemental perks. Let it be known that we went years without a new caster sword, because they were bad, then we got a bunch of QoL and actual buff changes to swords. Then we get no caster swords in a world that is far more able to accept them.

I can personally imagine a new stasis glaive coming with the forthcoming more in-depth stasis changes, or waiting to see if the new glaive changes stick the landing. with

[–]heptyne 9 points10 points  (0 children)

If it is the first issue with cutscenes, I wouldn't mind having the Khvostov workaround. But what would be the ramifications of locking out your powered melee? I feel if you are putting on 3 glaives, you should know what you're getting yourself into.

[–]MadBucWarlord 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Yea, I agree. Tbh I want Strand Glaive more than Stasis one, because it can potentially get Slice, which will be extremely good for Glaive. One can dream

[–]sundalius 2 points3 points  (1 child)

Wait, I'm a returning player - what did I miss with the duello? Was it the first solar RL?

[–]Jumpy_Menu5104 4 points5 points  (0 children)

So many guns, so many names, the first strand rocket launcher is called crowning duologue.

[–]FornaxTheConqueror 1 point2 points  (0 children)

If you think about the final cutscene of both witch queen and light fall. How goofy you look if you beat Savathun while your primary is a bow

I wish there was a cosmetic slot that would just be the visible weapon for cutscenes. I don't want riptide or witherhoard to be pulled out let me use a cool looking gun like sunshot whether or not I want to run an exotic heavy.

[–]NintendoTimsolo blueberry; plz be gentle 1 point2 points  (0 children)

3 Glaive builds

We can currently run triple GL, bow (Leviathan's Breath), sniper (Whisper/Darci), and fusions (1KV) right now. I can't see this would be the reason why Bungie hasn't made a Kinetic-slot glaive yet, but we have seen stranger reasons for other things in this game before.

Then again, glaives are supposed to be more versatile with "infinite" ammo (re: melee), so...


[edit] Watch them release an exotic kinetic-slot glaive before a legendary one, just to prevent triple glaive builds

[–]Abeeeeeeeeed 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Would the reason really be something that complicated? I could be wrong here, but I always just assumed we don’t have one yet because the devs seem to roll out new weapon types and archetypes slowly. We’ve gotten 1 aggressive frame scout since long arm introduced the archetype, 0 double fire GLs since wilderflight, 0 heavy wave frame GLs since whatever that stasis one is called. The first non-exotic energy slot trace rifle hollow denial came out more than a year and a half ago and we only just got the first kinetic slot legendary trace rifles this week! First of their kind weapons will always draw community interest; it would make sense for the devs to hold back something like the first kinetic slot glaive for a rainy day, so to speak. I’m not saying you’re in the wrong for being annoyed there isn’t one yet, I’m annoyed too. I’m just not convinced there’s a complicated reason behind it other than that the weapons team need to ensure there is something novel for players to chase every three months, and that seems to mean rolling out new stuff slowly.

[–]Singapore_DLC_Pack 9 points10 points  (8 children)

The real reason why there is no Stasis or Strand Glaive is because this means that Bungie has to properly animate the character model to hold a Glaive in the Character Menu and in Cutscenes.

This issue takes too much work to solve and we should not expect much from a small studio.

[–]Trips-Over-TailWAKES FROM HIS NAP 4 points5 points  (1 child)

The character screen doesn't even need it. Holding a weapon is very different from wielding it, as any D&D/Pathfinder veterans would know.

Just look next time at which had you hold a kinetic bow in.

[–]Singapore_DLC_Pack 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I agree with you but Bungie does not. Still waiting for my Stasis Glaive…

[–]SND_TagMan 5 points6 points  (5 children)

They already solved the cutscene problem with using Khvostov in the final Lightfall cutscene

[–]Xelopheris 0 points1 point  (3 children)

They solved that cutscene, but there are plenty of other cutscenes where we're wielding from our kinetic slot.

[–]Vortx4Sunsinger for life 0 points1 point  (2 children)

Can they not apply the same workaround? If they really don’t want to animate a glaive just have us hold a kvostov always if we have a stasis glaive

[–]Xelopheris 0 points1 point  (1 child)

That means going back and doing work on every single scene that just has us holding our primary through the whole game. It is not an insignificant amount of work.

[–]Vortx4Sunsinger for life 0 points1 point  (0 children)

That’s true but the alternative is no stasis or primary glaives which kind of sucks. I would hope that Bungie considers the time investment of changing those cutscenes to be worth the gameplay enhancement.

[–]Karglenoofus -1 points0 points  (0 children)


[–]Malen_Kiy 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I feel like the only thing stopping this is how the character holds the weapons in the character screen, end of activity screens, and cutscenes. They have bigger fish to fry rn, but a Glaive in the Kinetic Slot would be nice to see.

[–]MrJoemazing 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I was certain they'd add a kinetic slot glaive in the recent dungeon. It seems like a big missed opportunity. I guess they are holding it for TFS.

[–]LegoBlockGeode -3 points-2 points  (3 children)

Wouldn’t it make sense lorewise since Glaives are weapons of the Disciples of the Witness to have Lubrae’s Ruin be a Statis Glaive? Stasis is a darkness power after all so why is Rhulk dropping a Solar glaive a power only Guardians have access to? We need a Strand Glaive as well with this. Sword, Glaive, Glaive builds would be really funny and weird.

[–]SnivylandSpiders crew 1 point2 points  (2 children)

Only glaives that should be a darkness element would be the enigma or lubrae’s although the light elements aren’t just tied to the light there just fundamental force it’s why nezzarec wields the void

[–]DepletedMitochondria 1 point2 points  (1 child)

Meanwhile Nez's Whisper glaive is arc lol

[–]Faust_8 0 points1 point  (0 children)

My theory is that since Light 3.0's beginning and glaive introduction happened at the same time, and since the first Light element to get the 3.0 treatment was Void, they wanted the glaive you get to be Void to work with all the new Void stuff.

But then they wanted to make Nezarec's Whisper and they didn't want there to be two Void glaives in the game (and one Solar glaive form the Raid) and that's it.

So even though it didn't exactly make much sense lore-wise, it did mean we had a glaive for Void, Solar, and Arc without doubling up first.

[–]The_Elicitor 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Like would a cold steel / chill clip stasis glaive really be that op?

Just do it already Bungie

[–]ILoveSongOfJustice 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Please give Glaives a perk that regenerates health instead of deploying the shield!

[–]N1miol 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I don't care about glaives, but if this is what the people want... I guess just do it.

[–]jusmar 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Special ammo glaive, stasis. Long press a fully charged shield to get 10 charges of cold steel.

Or glaive melee cold steel is real and can slow but not fully proc stasis effects.