Seven Days in Solitary

U.S. Use of Solitary Defies International Treaty, UN Finds…and Other News on Solitary Confinement This Week  

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Be a Lifeline for People in Solitary Confinement

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Seven Days in Solitary

The Conservative Case Against Solitary…and Other News on Solitary Confinement This Week

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Give Thanks for Being with Loved Ones—and Fight for Those Who Can’t

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Incarcerated Journalist Juan Moreno Haines Named Editor-in-Chief of Solitary Watch

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Seven Days in Solitary

Supreme Court Rejects Appeal of Man Held in Solitary for Years Without Exercise…and Other News on Solitary Confinement This Week

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Seven Days in Solitary

DOJ Launches Civil Rights Investigation of Two Deadly South Carolina Jails…and Other News on Solitary Confinement This Week

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Seven Days in Solitary

Victims of Sexual Abuse by Prison Staff Face Additional Punishment…and Other News on Solitary Confinement This Week

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Seven Days in Solitary

Hunger Strike in a Massachusetts Prison Targets Isolation and Abuse…and Other News on Solitary Confinement This Week

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Seven Days in Solitary

“Alternatives” to Solitary in New Jersey Prisons Fail to Reflect Reform Law…and Other News on Solitary Confinement This Week

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Seven Days in Solitary

Proposed “Emergency” Regulations Double Down on Solitary Use in California…and Other News on Solitary Confinement This Week

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Seven Days in Solitary

Lawsuit Exposes “Unconstitutional, Torturous” Conditions in a Pennsylvania Prison Unit… and Other News on Solitary Confinement This Week

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Seven Days in Solitary

Prison Journalists Report at Their Own Risk…and Other News on Solitary Confinement This Week

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News & Features

Seventeenth-Century Supermax: The Origins of Solitary Confinement

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Seven Days in Solitary

No Decrease in Solitary Use in Federal Prisons…and Other News on Solitary Confinement This Week

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News & Features

Will Court and Legislative Delays Threaten California’s Solitary Confinement Limits?

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Seven Days in Solitary

Texas Prisons on Statewide Lockdown…and Other News on Solitary Confinement This Week

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Seven Days in Solitary

A Moment of Reckoning for Solitary Confinement in California…and Other News on Solitary Confinement This Week

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Seven Days in Solitary

Victims of Sexual Assaults by Prison Staff Are Thrown in Solitary…and Other News on Solitary Confinement This Week

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Projects SW Fact Sheets

New Fact Sheet Confirms the Key Role of Prison Oversight in Ending Solitary Confinement

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Seven Days in Solitary

Secret DHS Report Shows Abuse of Solitary in ICE Detention…and Other News on Solitary Confinement This Week

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Seven Days in Solitary

The Agony of Living with Dementia Behind Bars…and Other News on Solitary Confinement This Week

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