Indigenous Environmental Network Executive Director Tom Goldtooth is leading a 28-member delegation of organizational staff and leadership and Indigenous frontline community representatives dealing with a plethora of environmental issues to the city of Dubai on the Persian Gulf Coast for the 28th Conference of Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP28) taking place from November 30 to December 12, 2023.


Urging Public Comment Submissions on Draft Environmental Impact Statement 
DEADLINE: December 13, 2023
IEN is co-sponsoring a two-day event at The New School in NYC filled with educational panels, breakout sessions, a teach-in assembly and even a movement social!

From the Peoples' Agenda for the NY Climate Week and on to COP28!

IEN collaborated as the It Takes Roots coalition of coalitions conducted an on-site and virtual press conference, and co-sponsored a two-day event at The New School in NYC filled with educational panels, breakout sessions, a teach-in assembly and even a movement social! Click below to watch and listen to the stories of frontline warriors holding the line against #FalseSolutions and how they’re implementing a #JustTransition in their communities. 

Banking on Climate Chaos Report 2023

“Our success in addressing climate change depends on how quickly we can limit extraction to keep fossil fuels in the ground.”

We must restructure our social and economic systems, replacing the business as usual, fossil-fueled, extractive, throwaway economy with one that protects people and the environment. However, in a time of climate crisis, Oil Majors reported record earnings in 2022 with many breaking industry records.64 This pattern will continue as long as greenwashed climate change policies support it.

Climate change mitigation consists almost entirely of carbon pricing, carbon offsets, carbon trading, and other carbon pricing schemes. From the United Nations (UN) to the state, 25 years of carbon games have not stopped fossil fuel extraction. Carbon accounting is in fact designed precisely so that polluters can
continue extracting. That is why the only way to address climate change is to stop relying on carbon trading and other greenwashed mitigation and keep it in the ground. Read more, click here Pages: 38, 39.

SEVEN YEARS + SIXTY BANKS = $5.5 TRILLION in fossil fuel financing, driving climate devastation and human rights violations in every corner of the world. The fossil fuel industry can’t continue causing climate chaos without big banks.
Bank climate commitments are backed up by one thing: CASH. In 2022, once again, big banks proved that they’re committed to profits – not people and planet. We’ve been told time and time again that the climate crisis is HERE and our climate can’t take a single new fossil fuel project. Instead of investing in a just transition away from fossil fuels, big banks are continuing to finance climate destruction, to the tune of $673 BILLION last year alone.

3 NEW IEN reports on False Solutions released at COP27

Climate Finance
Climate smart agriculture
nature based Solutions

These briefings are the first in a series of the Climate Justice Program by the
Indigenous Environmental Network.


“The Indigenous Resistance Against Carbon report uplifts the work of countless Tribal Nations, Indigenous water protectors, land defenders, pipeline fighters, & many others who have dedicated their lives to defending their inherent right of Indigenous sovereignty.”


Indigenous Rising Radio

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