Open Culture

creating Free Education and Intelligent Media for All

  • 225 members
  • $117.8/month
In 2006, we set out to create a web site that curates the best free educational and cultural media on the web. There were bits of intelligent media sprinkled around the internet. But no one was bringing it together. So we started doing it. And now, a decade later, you can find on Open Culture a huge archive of free audio books, free courses, free ebooks, free textbooks and films--and over 13,000 articles that cover the arts and sciences in an educational and engaging way.

For years, ads covered the cost of running Open Culture--e.g., paying writers and expensive server costs. But now with the rise of ad blockers and the generally erratic performance of online ads, we're looking to rely less on ads, and more on support from loyal readers and keep the mission moving forward.

We sincerely appreciate the support. It means a great deal to us. And we’ll make sure that we put your contribution back towards making culture & education accessible for all.

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