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The Joint Memorial Ceremony

The Joint Memorial Ceremony, organized by Combatants for Peace (CfP) and The Parents Circle Families Forum, is the largest Israeli-Palestinian jointly organized peace event. The Joint Memorial Ceremony provides a unique opportunity for Israelis and Palestinians to grieve together and stand strong in demanding an end to the ongoing violence. The Ceremony takes place every year on the eve of Yom Hazikaron (Israeli Memorial Day). In Israeli mainstream culture, the ceremonies that are most often held to honor this day serve to reinforce cultural narratives of pain, victimhood, and hopelessness. Our Joint Memorial transforms this narrative by bringing Palestinians to the Memorial alongside Israelis. We remind ourselves and society that occupation, oppression, and violence are not inevitable.

About us

Combatants for Peace supports a two-state solution within the 1967 lines, or any other solution reached through mutual agreement which would allow Israelis and Palestinians to lead free, safe and democratic lives from a place of dignity in their homeland.



The Country Turns Us Into Killers

Annual Report: Our year 2021 in review


for hope


The Israeli-Palestinian Memorial Day

Personal Stories

Maia Hascal

Ahmed Hilo

Noga Harpaz