Shenanigans at Newsmax

From pay-to-play allegations to running a legal defense fund for Rudy Giuliani to hiring more disgraced ex-Fox News hosts, Newsmax has been busy with odd behind-the-scenes machinations.

Related: Newsmax's Victimhood Blitz • Victimhood Blitz: Endgame

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The MRC's Transphobic Rage At Pride Month, Part 2

The Media Research Center finished out June by spewing more anti-transgender hate -- and then kept it up for the rest of the summer.

WND Boosts The Conspiracy Theory President

WorldNetDaily was already predisposed toward Robert Kennedy Jr.'s anti-vaxxer rantings, so it gladly helped to boost his presidential campaign, though only in the hope that he might serve as a Biden spoiler.

The MRC's Transphobic Rage At Pride Month, Part 1

The anti-transgender hate the Media Research Center has been displaying all year unsurprisingly bled into Pride Month in June, with lots of anger at anyone who doesn't parrot their hate.

The MRC's Loud And Lame War On NewsGuard, Part 4

The Media Research Center spent the first half of 2023 rehashing its old, discredited attacks on the website-ratings firm, whining that it pointed out the shoddiness of right-wing media.

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