You don’t have to learn every business lesson the hard way.

I Can Help

Results That Matter

Personalized Business And Executive Coaching

You have goals to reach, KPIs to hit, outcomes to deliver, and teams to lead. I can get you there faster, help you go farther, and pave a more efficient path.

For more than twenty years, I’ve coached entrepreneurs, business leaders, SaaS businesses, software companies, and digital agencies to drive growth, multiply revenue, and increase profitability. 

I'd love to help you too.

Want to talk SaaS products, eCommerce, software platforms, product strategy, memberships, subscription platforms, building high-performance teams, or improving your marketing and sales ROI?

Let’s chat about it — with no obligation.

Chris Lema Laughing


Happy Clients




Growth Delivered


Revenue Delivered

You’re Here Because…

You saw me speak, read my blog, watched one of my videos, listened to an interview, or someone told you to check me out.

Regardless of the reason, I’m glad you’re here because maybe, working with me is exactly what you need.

Level Up Your Company

From streamlining operations and improving marketing efforts to defining product strategy and increasing profitability, I help growing companies leverage technology and technology companies find leverage.

Level Up Yourself

I coach executives and CEOs to drive remarkable outcomes, and challenge them to embrace their roles as visionaries so they can empower their leaders to execute the organizational vision with ownership and enthusiasm.

Level Up Your Leaders

I mentor managers and leaders and help them become more effective and confident. I teach them how to individualize their leadership approach to gain quicker alignment and motivate people to perform at their best.

Level Up Your Team

After identifying the unique challenges of your software, product, and sales and marketing teams, I provide the mentorship needed to effectively navigate change and improve cohesion, engagement, performance, and satisfaction.

Focus on building a better company, and you create better leaders and better teams who make better decisions and create better products.

Go Farther Together

Accelerate Growth And Build Momentum

The leaders and teams I coach move faster, create better products, and increase sales and revenue with less effort and fewer resources. Once they start taking intentional action, momentum kicks in like a propulsion engine, teams are energized like never before, and they become unstoppable.

Learn To Make Better Decisions

Better thinkers ask strategic questions, get strategic answers, and make better business decisions.

By putting my proven frameworks in the hands of your team and sharing a few stories to illustrate how they can be used to advance your objectives, I’ll empower the decision-makers in your organization to put problems in context, uncover new perspectives, and find the best solutions.

Learn To Build Better Products

I’ve spent my entire career helping creators and businesses alike plan, build, deploy, and grow digital products and software solutions.

Since 2005, I’ve coached startups and many of the most well-known brands in the open-source and WordPress ecosystems, helping them create new products, enter new markets, hit next-level revenue targets, and enjoy profitable exits.

Focus Areas

The Challenges Addressed Most Often During Business Coaching

Go To Market Strategy

Market Segmentation

Crafting Offers

Lead Generation

Pricing Plans

Chris Lema CaboPress

Hiring And Team Dynamics

Mergers And Acquisitions

Valuations And Exits

Product Strategy

Content Strategy

“Chris has been a trusted advisor to Zeek for many years. His coaching has been invaluable in growing the business — guiding me on proposal writing, hiring practices, contracts, and much more. Chris' wisdom on pricing helped us make the transition from T&M; to value based pricing, which was game-changing. Since working with Chris, our revenue has grown 3X!”

Steve Zenghut – Zeek


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