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African America

Black People Won't Be Silenced About Israel

As the US continues to conflate every criticism of Zionism with anti-semitism, the predicable happens once again. Black people are used as an avatar of anti-Jewish sentiment. This tactic will not stop Black people from supporting the struggle for Palestinian liberation.


ESSAY: National identity and Foreign Domination, Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o, 1982

Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o reminds us that the primary contradiction in Africa is imperialism and its meek comprador bourgeoisie enforcers.

US Politics

Dr. Jill Stein: A Ballot Challenge to the Crimes of Empire

Dr. Jill Stein spoke to Ann Garrison about her candidacy for the Green Party presidential nomination.

US Politics

The Devil and HK

The Devil and HK

The Devil just completed
his Hitler-Hoover wing of
Hell. Largest capital project
of his tenure! Koch Bros.,
Bezos, Harland Crow and
Musk money made it happen.


Media and Culture

BAR Book Forum: Alan Pelaez Lopez’s Book, “When Language Broke Open”

This week’s featured author is Alan Pelaez Lopez. Their edited book is When Language Broke Open: An Anthology of Queer and Trans Black Writers of Latin American Descent. 


D.R. Congo’s Challenges: Elections, Rwanda’s War of Aggression and Critical Minerals for Green Transition

The ongoing crisis is a result of converging forces determined to pursue their own interests by controlling the affairs within the Congo and subjecting the masses to inhumane conditions.


One Year Anniversary of Coup Regime Marks International Day of Solidarity with the Peruvian People

On the anniversary of the Monroe doctrine, the struggle against the repressive Boluarte coup in Peru regime enters its second year.

African America

Fifty-four Years Later, Fred Hampton’s Martyrdom Looms Large Over Palestinians’ Freedom Struggle

The thread connecting the struggles of Black and Palestinian liberation makes itself known in the propagandistic attacks on the Palestinian resistance. The assassination of Fred Hampton helps illustrate how these tactics are a replication of those used against the Panthers and other Black liberation organizations.


Watch: Debunking Israel's "Mass Rape" Propaganda

This is a deceptive campaign based not on evidence but an appeal to racist notions that Palestinians are inherently violent and cruel.


Afghanistan News Update #20

The latest Black Alliance for Peace Afghanistan update provides an overview of the worsening conditions in the country since the US/NATO withdrawal.

US Politics

A Statement of Solidarity and a Call to Action

“Where there is a need to act and the individual fails to act, then the individual is responsible for the consequences that flow therefrom.”

War and Empire

The False Equivalence of the Colonized and Colonizer

Choosing to focus on denouncing Palestinian violence is akin to asking them to passively accept their fate—to die quietly and not resist.


Black Agenda Radio December 1, 2023

The history of interventions in Haiti, a discussion on growing opposition to U.S. support of Israel, and the Spirit of Mandela Coalition screens a Mumia Abu Jamal documentary and welcomes the captives home.


Kenya's Blackface Imperialism and the History of Intervention and Occupation in Haiti

Dr. Jemima Pierre participated in a Haitian Studies Association webinar to discuss the history of interventions in Haiti and the impending occupation using an African nation as window dressing for imperialist intentions.


A Discussion on Palestine and Israel on the Revolutionary Blackout Network

Margaret Kimberley appeared on the Revolutionary Black Network with co-hosts Nick and CJ to talk about growing opposition to U.S. support of Israel in this excerpt of their discussion.

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The argument in favor of using filler text goes something like this: If you use arey real content in the Consulting Process anytime you reachtent.

