Unions have won an 8.6% pay rise for minimum wage workers and a 5.75% pay rise for Award wage workers


As of 1 July 2023 the national minimum wage will increase by 8.6% and Award wages will increase by 5.75%.

This win shows what can happen when Australian workers stand together in their unions and take real action.

Find out how this pay rise was won here.  |   Does this apply to you? Find out here.

Not sure if you’re being paid correctly? Contact your union or call Australian Unions on 1800 486 466. 


From 1 July 2023, national minimum wages increase by 8.6% and Award wages increase by 5.75%. Make sure you check your pay slip from the first pay period after 1 July 2023. This is a huge win for the union movement, which fought hard for this pay increase for 2.67 million workers.

Union membership = staying protected
+ strength in numbers


Today is the best time to join almost two million Australian workers just like you, who are taking action to drive real change.

Higher wages, reliable work

Together let’s make the most of your hard-earned. Union members campaign for higher wages for everyone, but union members also earn on average $250 per week more than non-union members. That’s $13,000 more on average each year in wages for union members.

Support when you need it

Be sure you stay in control if things go wrong at work. As a union member you know that you’re protected with the best employment legal advice, as well as having support and information on workplace rights.

Better work & society for all

So many of the basic rights that workers and all Australians receive is due to the hard-work of union members: Medicare, JobKeeper, annual leave, paid parental leave and more! Union members are making a difference where it matters most.

Apply to join your union in just minutes

Join the almost 2 million workers coming together to win better pay. Together we can take action to drive real change and give Australia a pay rise.


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