
Unless a club has spent less than three years in the Football League since the start of  the 1999/2000 season a licence to admit spectators to standing accommodation (terracing) at League 1 and League 2 grounds will only be granted where the layout of the accommodation:

  • comprises continuous crush barriers between radial gangways, as outlined and illustrated in Guide to Safety at Sports Grounds (Green Guide)
  • is such that all spectators are within 12 metres of a gangway or exit as measured along a line of unobstructed travel from the viewing position of the Green Guide
  • the spacing, strength and construction of all the crush barriers conform to the Green Guide
  • the height and positioning of all the crush barriers are in accordance with the Green Guide

It should be assumed that level standing areas or non-stepped sloping areas will not be licensed for spectator use.

A club which has spent less than three years in the Football League will have up to the beginning of their fourth season in the league to bring their terracing up to the prescribed standard or take it out of use.

Where a National League club is proposing to undertake any work to replace or upgrade any area of terracing at its ground it would be sensible to consider how to ensure that the work is in line with the above standards.

Although the SGSA’s regulatory role does not extend to the clubs in the National League we are happy to help clubs identify work which will be necessary to bring any standing accommodation up to the standard required to secure a licence.  Please contact us with any questions.