Get verification codes with Google Authenticator

If you set up 2-Step Verification, you can use the Google Authenticator app to generate codes. You can still generate codes without internet connection or mobile service. Learn more about 2-Step Verification.

Keep your Google Authenticator codes synchronized across all your devices

Google Authenticator 6.0 on Android and 4.0 on iOS introduces the option to keep all your verification codes synchronized across all your devices, simply by signing into your Google Account.

Data encryption
Google encrypts data both in transit and at rest across our products. In certain products, we also provide the option of extra protection for your data with end-to-end encryption (E2EE). However, the use of E2EE can lock you out of your data permanently if you forget your password. To ensure a full set of options we will roll out optional E2EE in some of our products, like Google Authenticator, in the near future.

App requirements

To use Google Authenticator on your Android device, you need:

Download Authenticator


Set up Authenticator

  1. On your Android device, go to your Google Account.
  2. At the top, tap the Security tab.
    • If at first you don’t get the Security tab, swipe through all tabs until you find it.
  3. Under "You can add more sign-in options," tap Authenticator. You may need to sign in.
  4. Tap Set up authenticator.
    • On some devices, tap Get Started.
  5. Follow the on-screen steps.

Transfer your Google Authenticator codes

If you’re signed in to their Google Account within Google Authenticator, your codes will automatically be backed up and restored on any new device you use.

You can also manually transfer your codes to another device, even if you’re not signed in to a Google Account:

To manually transfer Authenticator codes to a new phone, you need:

  • Your old device with Google Authenticator codes
  • The latest version of the Google Authenticator app installed on your old device
  • Your new device
  1. On your new phone, install the Google Authenticator app.
  2. In the Google Authenticator app, tap Get Started.
  3. At the bottom, tap Import existing accounts?
  4. On your old device, create a QR code:
    1. In the Authenticator app, tap More More and then Transfer accounts and then Export accounts.
    2. Select the accounts you want to transfer to your new device.
    3. Tap Next.
      • If you transfer more than one account, your old device may create more than one QR code.
  5. On your new phone, tap Scan QR code.

After you scan your QR codes, you get confirmation that your Authenticator accounts have been transferred.

Tip: If your camera can’t scan the QR code, there may be too much information. Try to export again with fewer accounts.

Common issues

Fix an incorrect code

If your code is incorrect, confirm:

  • You entered the code before it expired.
  • The time on your device is correct for your local time zone.

If your code is still incorrect, sync your Android device:

  1. On your Android device, open the Google Authenticator app Authenticator.
  2. In the top right, select More More and thenTime correction for codes and then Sync now.
    • On the next screen, the app confirms the time is synced.
  3. To sign in, you can use your verification codes.
    • The sync only affects the internal time of your Google Authenticator app. Your device’s date and time settings won’t change.
Lost or stolen device
Google Authenticator codes are stored locally on your device. To remove the codes, use the remote erase device option for iOS or Android. If this option is unavailable, visit every site that you have Google Authenticator set up on to remove the codes, and then relink your new device.

Use Authenticator on multiple accounts

Set up 2-Step Verification for multiple accounts

Authenticator can issue codes for multiple accounts from the same mobile device. Each Google Account must have a different secret key.

To set up extra accounts:

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