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The annual summit to tackle global climate change is crawling with people with ties to planet-warming fossil fuels.
The attempt by the Republican governor and presidential candidate to score points left many wondering if that state money could be better spent.
“We’ll make a difference in 2024,” said the Minnesota lieutenant governor, the new chair of the Democratic Lieutenant Governors Association.
The former U.N. ambassador has been climbing in the GOP polls, but there's still a big gap between her numbers and Trump's.
The former GOP congresswoman has warned repeatedly about the risks of allowing Donald Trump another term in the White House.
“Dad, I love you, but I’ve got to get off the phone,” Lawrence Moens reportedly said while in the witness box of Donald Trump’s civil fraud trial.
Giovanny Campos pleaded not guilty to assaulting a New York student who rode on his route.
“I’m always begging my agents to take me to her set, just to bring her coffee or anything,” Cruz said during a London event.
Justin Wells is accused of "aggressively" grabbing the genitals of then-fellow Fox News employee Andrew Delancey at Wells' apartment.
Nicaraguan police claim the director rigged contests in favor of anti-government beauty queens as part of a plot to overthrow the brutally repressive government.
“I’m listening to my doctors and continuing to rest and heal," the CBS host wrote.
Some suspected the couple’s cryptic social media posts could be a ploy to take attention away from Nicki Minaj’s upcoming album release.