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Showing posts with the label batman

Comrades, can we stop reviewing Batman already?

What is up with all of these leftist reviews of the new Batman movie?  I could be remembering things wrong, but I cannot recall the previous two Christopher Nolan Batman films generating as much fascination amongst lefty film critics as The Dark Knight Rises .  It seems like there has been a new critical review of this movie every week since its release.  First there were all those reviews that complained that it was an attack on the #occupy movement.  Then, perhaps realizing that the screenplay was completed and the movie entered pre-production before #occupy , some reviewers soberly decided (and I felt that this, at least, was correct and interesting) the movie was more of a general representation of ruling class angst over possible revolutionary sentiments amongst the masses.   The reviews did not stop here, however, because every internet leftist wanted to write about Batman ––more than we even wanted to write about Avatar it seems––and soon lefty websites and blogs were cl

Batman: The Millionaire Vigilante Who Beats Up Poor People - #3

Batman is always beating up on the mentally ill and locking them away in the inhumane depths of Arkham Asylum!

Batman: The Millionaire Vigilante Who Beats Up Poor People - #2
