...record fair
details here...

...press : release zine details here...


June 2022 marks a new release from New Zealand's Spear Man - Kwangtung Groundsman (VVHK009). Totally crucial hip hop / boom bap beats laid over sampled Asian themes on 7" krystal clear or heavyweight jingbo bronze lathe cuts - shipping now more details here


A second awesome release for Japanese all-girl funksters Tokyo Groove Jiyoshi on clear 8" lathe cut vinyl (VVHK008). Released June 2022. More details here.


In 2021 I released a cassette in my own name. Titled "Signs of the Times" (VVHKC001), it is a collection of explored sounds and field recordings from Hong Kong from 2019 and 2020 which were the last two of fifteen years I spent there with my family. There was enough demand for a second pressing and I am pleased to announce that it is available with a protest yellow j-card.

May, 2022

What Is Hip / Funk No.1


Tokyo Groove Jyoshi


Coming soon - VVHK007 - a limited edition lathe cut 45rpm available on clear vinyl. 

... the first "gig" in ages in post-Covid19 Hong Kong? feels like it! this is the launch event for VVHK005 the stunning hit single for for summer dream beach pop songsters Mr Koo. "Big Wave Bay" is what we have all been waiting for and now it is available on sunny-day-clear or classic-black lathe cut 45s ... get yours this Saturday at a "secret location"! 

email HK Bands on Vinyl for more details

Big Wave Bay /  Cold Air


Mr Koo


Coming soon - VVHK005 - a limited edition lathe cut 45rpm available on clear or black vinyl. 

I am thrilled to announce the release of VVHK004

a collaboration with Beijing labels

Merrie Records and Little Soul Records

Live in Madrid 马德里现场


Cristián Alvear and Seijiro Murayama 

Available now - more details here.


Vintage Vinyl HK is super excited to announce its third release VVHK003





Solstice is the anthemic debut album from HK gnarly glamsters Qi; and is available from 15 May in Hong Kong and world-wide 


More details here.


Vintage Vinyl HK has been at the epicentre of Hong Kong's record-collecting community. Founder Nick Langford, now in Edinburgh, Scotland, hosted regular record fairs, published press : release zine, and continues to release and promote high quality music on vinyl, whilst building a new presence in his new home.
