#940 How Flacks Spin Hacks
#940 How Flacks Spin Hacks

Journalists report the news. They hear about a story, write it up, verify the facts, and then hit “publish”. Except for the times when they publish someone else’s story…

Latest Podcast Episodes

#942 How Canada Became An International Joke
What is going on with Canada’s international relations? With all the recent stories about India and the Two Michaels time in China coming to the front again, reporter Sam Cooper helps break it all down.
December 4, 2023
#941 Danielle Smith’s Edge of Sovereignty
Danielle Smith’s Sovereignty Act is like trying to get away with amending the Constitution via a hastily-scrawled Post-it note, flimsily affixed while no one’s looking.
November 30, 2023
Is Jesse a Zionist? (editorial)
Canadaland publisher Jesse Brown has been asked to stop talking about antisemitism.
November 29, 2023

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The Newfoundlander
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The Backbench
Dig into Canadian politics from the best seats in the House.
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Wag the Doug
A monthly podcast about the premier of Ontario, the forces that drive him, and what that means for the rest of us

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