Speculative Grammarian is the premier scholarly journal featuring research in the neglected field of satirical linguistics.

Current Issue

Speculative Grammarian

Volume CXCIII, Number 2
October 2023

Speculative Grammarian, Vol CXCIII, No 2

The editors and publishers of Speculative Grammarian are pleased to announce that another issue of our esteemed journal is now available. This issue offers many excellent articles, including some semi-coherent, moderately relevant semi-relevant, moderately coherent timely musings on large language models from our Editor-in-Chief, a wind-breaking breath-taking introduction to the explosive burgeoning field of Flatu-linguistics, and a happy little diversion for you at your next academic conference: a conference-themed treasure hunt!along with the usual collection of letters from our readers, breaking news, limericks and other poetry, serendipitous fieldwork, linguistickish puzzles, and more...

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Our Mission

We have recently completed our transition from the real world to online: we have finally finished digitizing the tattered remains of our once glorious Archive, re-publishing each issue on the internet.

Our new mission is two-fold:

First, we will continue to publish the best works of satirical linguistics available anywherein various formats, including online publishing, audio podcasts, and micro-blogging, more micro-blogging, and other social media. We are, of course, looking for submissions for upcoming issues of SpecGram.

Second, we seek to transform other satirical linguistics resources from their current dead-tree format to a more readily disseminated bit-based format. Our most recent project has been the conversion of the anthologies Lingua Pranca and Son of Lingua Pranca.

More To Come

Speculative Grammarian I hope you enjoy your visit with us. We hope you’ll come back again soon. There are always several improvements in the works, and we always appreciate your suggestions and ideas.

Trey Jones
Editor-in-Chief, Speculative Grammarian