Fàilte gu ar làrach-lìn Ghàidhlig
Tha foillseachadh nan leabhraichean Gàidhlig na phàirt air leth cudromach den obair againn an seo aig Luath Press. Bidh sinn ag obair gu dlùth còmhla ris na sgrìobhadairean as fheàrr gus ficsean, neo-fhicsean agus bàrdachd a sholarachadh do luchd na Gàidhlig a tha a’ gleachd ri iomadh chuspair ’s air a dheagh sgrìobhadh cuideachd.
Air an làrach-lìn seo, gheibhear lorg air lèirmheasan leabhair, a’ bhloga Ghàidhlig againn agus fiosrachadh mu na sgrìobhadairean agus mu thachartasan Gàidhlig. Cuideachd, bidh sinn a’ tairgsinn ghoireasan airson an luchd-ionnsachaidh leithid briathrachas airson gach leabhar agus geàrr-chunntasan de chaibideilean. Lean sinn air Twitter @LuathGaelic agus thoir ʽlike’ dha Luath Press Gaelic air Facebook gus cumail suas leis na tha a’ dol air adhart.
Welcome to our Gaelic website. Publishing books in Scottish Gaelic is a vital part of our work here at Luath Press. We work closely with Scotland’s best Gaelic authors to provide Gaelic speakers and learners with a wide range of high quality fiction, non-fiction and poetry.
This website is the centre for all of our Gaelic activity, containing book reviews, information about the authors, updates on our Gaelic events and blog posts relating to Gaelic books. We also provide material for readers who are learning Gaelic such as vocabulary sheets and chapter summaries. Follow us on Twitter @LuathGaelic and like our page Luath Press Gaelic on Facebook to keep up to date.