Leap into Blockadia

by Rebel Fagin It starts in isolation; in farms in Nigeria, fishing villages in Greece, First Nations’ forests in Canada, the high plains of Mongolia, neighborhoods in Richmond.  Communities with few resources other than themselves stand up and physically resist the devastation brought to them by the fossil fuels companies.  Their vast extractions coupled with […]

Multiple video evidence of San Bernardino false flag attack: are .01% planning for multiple false flags to ‘justify’ martial law, arrest ‘truthers’???
  Multiple video evidence of San Bernardino false flag attack: are .01% planning for multiple false flags to ‘justify’ martial law, arrest ‘truthers’???
Was Karen Hudes assigned to attack my article after I wrote .01% will launch waves of false flag attacks to ‘justify’ martial law, arrest ‘truthers’?
  Was Karen Hudes assigned to attack my article after I wrote .01% will launch waves of false flag attacks to ‘justify’ martial law, arrest ‘truthers’?
Karen Hudes REFUSES to give ANY EVIDENCE of claims for gold as currency; says ‘no time or desire.’ Try that in your profession for factual claims and see what happens
  Karen Hudes REFUSES to give ANY EVIDENCE of claims for gold as currency; says ‘no time or desire.’ Try that in your profession for factual claims and see what happens
13-minute video: household spending income multiplied 4x when money redesigned for We the People
  13-minute video: household spending income multiplied 4x when money redesigned for We the People
Impossible Odds in Mass Murder Terrorism
  Impossible Odds in Mass Murder Terrorism
Tarot cards are becoming more popular among young people

By Omar Ali. Students and young professionals are turning to tarot in a bid to help them navigate through the pressures of finding love, challenges with loneliness, internet dating,and the career and work life balances.  Theresa Gasparetto who has been doing free tarot reading for more than 10 years argues that  tarot  has “become just as mainstream as seeing a therapist” with the new generation. […]

Karen Hudes’ lies, unprofessionalism, and threats equals her unreliable testimony anywhere
  Karen Hudes’ lies, unprofessionalism, and threats equals her unreliable testimony anywhere
Karen Hudes claims I’m a ‘Vatican agent’: her evidence, my counter-claim of the challenge to know comprehensive facts and allies for victory over .01% empire
  Karen Hudes claims I’m a ‘Vatican agent’: her evidence, my counter-claim of the challenge to know comprehensive facts and allies for victory over .01% empire
Christmas Makes Me Feel Like Singing

by Rebel Fagin Ah, the holiday season, a time when people gather in public places to shop and enjoy the warmth of humanity. What better time to educate people about the struggle in Palestine. The Christmas gift can be even a free tarot reading; check this out for more details. One way to do this is by singing Christmas carols that, in the tradition of the IWW, have been modified with […]