Browsing: The Insider

Internet 1, TikTok ‘Dancer’ Zero: The Worst Thing On The Internet


‘The Worst Thing On The Internet’ is a regular column in New Matilda which documents humankind’s race to the bottom.


Elon Musk Settles Global Penis Debate: His Is The Biggest And Baddest In The Whole Wide World


Well, one of the longest running debates in history has been settled, and in spectacular fashion, at precisely the venue you might expect.


Musical Monday: Social Media Has A Lot To Answer For (Sometimes In A Good Way)


One of the obvious downsides of social media is that it’s enabled people with zero talent and even less of a moral compass – people like Jake Paul, his brother Logan Paul, or his brother Jake Paul again – to flourish and find, if not fame, then certainly infamy. Which are really the same thing these days.


And THIS Is Why A Flat Earther Should Never Debate A Physics Professor Live On Camera


It’s an age-old debate, but with a modern twist: do you really attract more flies with honey? Or in a more 2000s parlance, is there any value in telling people on the internet who have ‘stupid ideas’ that they’re ‘morons’?


It’s Only A Matter Of Time Before Someone Starts A Happier, Alternative Olympics


With the Commonwealth Games, thankfully, in its long-awaited and well-deserved final death throes, promoters and politicians will no doubt be looking around for something to make them more money, and more relevant.


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