
The Fight for Gender Self-Determination

from CrimethInc.

Confronting the Assault on Trans People

Over the last two years, a wave of anti-trans and anti-LGBTQ legislation has swept the United States. Proposals in dozens of state legislatures have aimed to stop schoolteachers from discussing gender or sexuality—to prevent kids from using bathrooms or playing on sports teams as their self-determined gender—to force school officials to “out” trans kids to their parents—and to make it illegal for trans kids to get appropriate medical care.

Cory is Critiqued on Immediatism podcast

In this episode of Immediatism podcast, Cory's points of view get heavily critiqued by a theorist who tends toward Stirner and D&G. Cybernetics is thoroughly described. Postmodernism and poststructuralism are described in terms of what they attempt to do and how they function in academia. The anonymous author reminisces about a time (prior to the 2010's) when anarchists did not used to talk in terms of cybernetics.

The Mohawked Salamanders Burn Down the Salamander’s School

The Mohawked Salamanders Burn Down the Salamander’s School

From, original from Attaque in French
Why We Attacked the Zad
Notre-Dame-des-Landes (France)

The Zad was our pirate ship, the mother of all Zads. It emerged in a time with no way out and it was as if the world became a little more bearable. Like a brief glimmer of light, a possibility breaking through the thick, sticky fog of our future. For those of us who lead full and busy lives, off the beaten track, it was the knowledge that there would always be a place to welcome us if we were on the run. A place where the state would never come for us. A place where we would always find allies to feed us, to clothe us, to hide us in the folds of its hedges.

Anarchist Diagnostics Of The Future: An Interview w/ Peter Gelderloos

more like "defacing autonomy" amirite

from Facing Autonomy

In this interview with Zara and Sher of the Facing Autonomy Podcast, famed Anarchist writer Peter Gelderloos initially sketches out his personal history of organizing both in the US and in Barcelona, Spain as well as his early work before moving to an in-depth discussion of his most recent essay “Diagnostics of the Future” and his newest book project concerning colonization and ecology.

CHOP Residents Are Working Out a New Footprint With the City

From The Stranger

by Rich Smith • Jun 15, 2020 at 6:45 pm

Original note accompanying the cover photo: CHAZ is going through some ch-ch-ch-ch-changes

On Sunday morning residents of the protest zone around the East Precinct on Capitol Hill met with the heads of city agencies to continue discussions on the site's footprint, and to address concerns about getting vehicles in and out of the area quickly.

Get In the Zone: A Report from the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone in Seattle

From IGD

The following is an interview with a Seattle resident who has been out on the streets during the recent uprising and watched as both vigilantes, police, and the National Guard have attacked protesters in the Capital Hill neighborhood. Now, after over a week of intense rioting and clashes with the authorities, Seattle police have evacuated from their East precinct and an autonomous zone has sprung up around the empty building. Wanting to know more about what all is going down, we caught up to discuss how the last week and a half has played out on the streets.

TOTW: competing identities

It is possible to imagine that identities (as abstractions, at least) don't have to compete with each other, but the default is that they do have to (that is, that some identities are the most down-trodden, or the most crucial to the status quo, and therefore that those identities should be respected more than others and/or that the people most closely resembling those identities get extra cred). Usually this is tacit, but some theories, like some radfeminism and afro-pessimism, are pretty explicit about the foundational role they claim for the oppression of women or black people respectively. And of course to the extent that people treat class as an identity, plenty of folks are all about that as the most foundational, relevant issue.

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